MovieChat Forums > Titanic II (2010) Discussion > The movie in a nutshell

The movie in a nutshell

Captain: "I present to you, our new ship! It's unsinkable!"

Crewman: "Hey, what's that up ahead?"

Crewman 2: "It's white, big and cold, so it must be an..."

Captain: "Nonsense! We're only ten miles from the coast of Greenland, there's no icebergs here!"

Crewman: "Captain, the iceberg's made a hole in our bottom."

Captain: "No it didn-- Oh, you mean the ship."

Some time later, on deck:

Captain: "Women and children, we're doing a little, um, "emergency exercise". Don't pack in too tightly, there's plenty of lifeboats to go around! We're not the Titanic, you know!"

Crewman: Sir, we forgot to install the port side lifeboats when we left dock."

Captain: "Piss."

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.


In the original movie one of the Swedes said "Förbannade skitstövel" (You Goddam rogue!) as he knocks Jack out. In the new one, I bet a Swede will say "Här verkar det ligga några gravade hundar i vattnet" ("There semms to be a few gravied dogs lying in the water here" - gravade hundar is a famous bowdlerization of en hund begraven /"a buried dog"/a secret lurking in the background.

At the audition I had to karaoke to "Smoke On The Water". I was 45. A very lonely experience.
