20 extras....really?!

This is the worst film in years. I doubt anyone will argue with me about that. But even so why would you only have about 20 extras throughout the entire film. They're on a boat the size of the Titanic and they have a bunch of people walking around in crappy clothes. I know the boat's owner was rich but what was the actual point of going out on that boat with about thirty people? Did they pay $10,000 a ticket or something?

At least bad films like Troll 2 are great when you're high. This doesn't even have that.


It's the worst movie you've personally seen in years, that I can agree with.

However, unless you can claim to have seen every single movie anyone on Earth made in the last few years, I fail to understand how you could claim this is the very worst movie.

I'm sure Bollywood and/or Japan has its own "The Asylum"-type of production company which pumps bad movies to DVDs faster than we can import them, not to mention movies so bad they never find any company willing to invest money on distributing it.

I'm not even sure this is the worst "The Asylum" movie I've seen.
