MovieChat Forums > Jumping the Broom (2011) Discussion > Mrs. Taylor's rant (spoilers)

Mrs. Taylor's rant (spoilers)

I was really taken aback when Mrs. Taylor revealed Sabrina's true parentage out of spite. I didn't really like her character and found her to be domineering, callous, and quite cruel. Her "redemption" in the end seemed to be a little illogical. I mean I enjoyed the movie for the most part, but she seemed to be Mrs. Buzzkill and for the most part it was unwarranted. Did anyone else feel turned off by her character?


Yeah, her character was pretty cruel. I'd never seen Loretta Devine play a part like that, but I guess that goes to show what a good actress she is.


I didn't feel turned off...she is a good actress and she played that part well...unfortunately in real life,there are definitely mothers/mothers-in-law just like the role that she portrayed...some are worse.

Official Wifey!10/07


This was one of the biggest problems with the movie; the character did a number of things that simply aren't plausible coming from a grown person.


"the character did a number of things that simply aren't plausible coming from a grown person."

You're wrong, you just obviously haven't seen one.


Yikes. That's the typical grownup in your life? God bless you.


Also, she was not a very good employee at whatever job she had.

She left for lunch with a huge lineup at her window after ranting about receiving a text message.


She was awful. Throughout the movie, I kept thinking that girl needed to run. If Mrs. Taylor was this vindictive and controlling during the wedding, I can promise it will be a million times worse when they start having kids.


Look out Kytem,
Tommy Sotomayor will make a news flash video about black female postal workers.


she was the only thing i hated. The movie was decent but her character ruined it. she needed to be slapped and i was waiting for it, and i think the only person that put her in her place was mike epps character. && if you think of it she did all of that because Sabrina didn't meet her across the bridge.

~You shut the hell up, Jackie-Boy. You're dead. I'm just imagining this, so shut the hell up~


I agree. I really liked this movie but just completely HATED her character!!!! I was also really hoping for that slap (it's a shame it never happened!!). She was so unnecessarily mean to Sabrina's character. That poor, poor woman.
Loretta Divine did a really good job playing the evil b**ch of a mother-in-law. I feel HORRIBLE for any ladies that have to deal with a monster-in-law like that!!!!!

You just gotta keep livin' man. L-I-V-I-N...


I agree guys. I really liked this movie too but I couldn't stand her! I thought she had to be the worst human being alive. She didn't even look remorseful when she revealed Sabrina's heritage. She looked smug. Sabrina was so nice to her the whole time. Like when Sabrina was asking her to wear the buff colored dress. She was so nice about how she asked her and was so happy when she agreed (as difficult as that was) and as soon as she leaves she's like "Strike three!"

I was dumbfounded by all of this. I get what they were going for with the whole overprotective mother who can't let go of her baby, but she was ridiculous. They could have toned her down a bit.

And her redemption at the end was stupid. All she did was say "sorry, my bad. here's my broom" and poof! all is better.


Unfortunately, I am around black people born and raised in the inner city housing projects that act exactly like her.
They wait until the mealtime at company functions to start trouble and acting a fool at the table...difference from her character is; they are fully "grown" black Men.



Highly turned off by Mrs. Taylor. Sadly, that's how a lot of older moms (especially Black moms) act like. I had a friend whose now ex-boyfriend's mom was like that to a T. Condescending, domineering, nitpicking on every little flaw, and flat-out cruel. And very unapologetic on top of that. Don't try to talk to her in hopes on making things work out; she won't listen. To no one's surprise, the mom is alone.

As far as this movie is concerned, Mrs. Taylor should consider herself lucky that Sabrina forgave her (that's mostly because she apologized) and let her be in the wedding after all. I wouldn't have forgiven her at all; I would've let the mom go back to Brooklyn and spend the rest of her life alone (because she deserves to be alone after how she acted).


I agree Mrs. Taylor was a mess lol, but Im reminded of a phrase called "truth hurts". Now truth is not intended to hurt BUT many people like to sugarcoat things instead of giving it to you straight. What I mean by this, is that instead of telling a person whats really going on we as humans beat around the bush because we are in fear of hurting someone's feelings. Now take the two sisters.Their relationship was not all that great, and they kept telling theirselves that they were going to eventually tell the daughter who her real parents were; and "eventually" could have meant wait 5, 20, 30 years from now or even worse on their death bed!!! If Mrs.Taylor never said anything they probably would have continued to "slide it under the rug". Now granted things dont go as sweet like it did in the movies, but hey thats why its a movie..


I would be damned if that lady was in my wedding after she pulled some *beep* like that.

Once again, waiting for a boring day was a good way to watch a movie. I would have been pissed had I paid to see this.

R.I.P Big sister "In you I can be strong, I look to you <3"


It would've been more realistic if Mrs. Taylor got her ass whooped then kicked out of the house.

She was alone for a reason. She was a complete bitch...and unfortunately there are black females who are just vindictive just like her.


Agree. I once knew someone whose mom was like that. I wouldn't be surprised if her being a complete bitch is the reason why my friend's dad left & no other man wanted to spend his life with her.

In the movie, Pam's reason for being alone was, aside from being a complete bitch, her husband (Jason's dad) had died. That may be true if she & her late husband were still married until he died. But the movie never mentioned if he had left Pam or was still married to her when he died. All they said was he was dead.


I agree with you. It was not realistic that someone like Angela Bassett would have put up with this woman in her home for long. It would have been "they can come to the wedding but they cannot stay in my house any longer". And after that outrageously cruel stunt of revealing the bride was not her natural daughter, that's pretty close to unforgivable and it's not credible everything would have been "ok" so quickly even if the outcome was good for their family. It simply was not Loretta's place to make that comment and it was ridiculous how quickly this matter was patched up and everybody made nice. Frankly I think the producers were aiming this film at women like Loretta's character and thus let her get away with her deeds with no real comeuppance (or even sincere apology!!) to the degree that she even gets her way at the end with the jumping of the broom!
