watched it again after 3 weeks (mild spoiler)
I first watched this movie three weeks ago. Since then I have been visiting this discussion board regularly, reading what others observed, thinking more about the various points. So today I took the time to watch it again. I was only going to watch the first 10 minutes or so, then the last 10 minutes or so but instead ended up seeing it all the way through, it hooked me again. Knowing how the story would run and how it would resolve actually made the second viewing better.
After watching it again I came away with an even more favorable impression. Page, Janney, and Blanchard are all so good in their roles. As the last scene is ending, with Lu in the back of the police cruiser, she has a slight smirk on her face, as if she were thinking, "Yeah, I'm a badass, I kidnapped a baby into protective custody." Before that experience she never was able to care about anyone else, now she learned that she could and that caring is good.
..*.. TxMike ..*..