All the German dialogues ...

... were really terrible. There are those German actors speaking perfectly German and then there was Alicia Vikander. Without the subtitles I wouldn't have understood a word. I guess those scenes are much better if they all sound the same to you because you don't understand the language at all.
One funny thing: Cahill pronounced German better than Vikander. ;)


I agree, she was absolutely not credible as a native german-speaker. That is my only real quarrel with the film though.



And his last line was 'Bringen Sie ihre Männer an die Mauer/get your men to the wall' (...) instead of 'don't shoot the girl' ←he never said that line in German.
Evidently someone was trying to pretend that even then he cared about Gaby, when he didn't at all. He didn't later either.
