Hated it!

What were they thinking? Or smoking? Have they never seen a Bourne movie? Even the Mission Impossible movies were better than this. SO boring, with little interesting action. 007 had to step up his game after Bourne - and did. I thought this was as pointless as most remakes. Like 'the lone ranger'. A half hour B+W TV show was better than the laborious movie.


The creators were more interested in putting together a hipster loving soundtrack than creating an entertaining movie.

The first transport is away... hey!



I didn't care for the soundtrack either, just a matter of personal taste.

To each his own.

Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself. - George Carlin


Its not Bourne.
It's not Mission Impossible.
It's Man From Uncle.

It's set before the show took place.

Don't take life too seriously.
You'll never get out alive
-Elbert Hubbard


I watched the TV series when I was younger and I LOVED Guy Ritchies interpretation of the characters BEFORE U.N.C.L.E existed.It was smart, very stylish, the acting wasn't tooserious, just as it was in the TV series, and Henry Cavill & Armie Hammer were just perfect as Solo & Kuryakin.

Also, the soundtrack was my favourite of 2015.Fantastic mixture of original music and memorable songs.
