MovieChat Forums > Conan (2010) Discussion > I find it funny that....

I find it funny that....

HE has guests on and they promote their movie and he usually sees he thought it was awesome and then when the movie comes out and gets horrible reviews and no one sees it he makes fun of it pretty much the whole next week. I know that is the job of talk show hosts but still. He even said in one of the shows a few weeks ago that when the guest is on they are hyping their movie and then during breaks they say "wow this movie is a piece of crap"


Does anyone remember when LL Cool J was on like a year after Rollerball was released and he (LL Cool J) called it a piece of crap? Conan laughed so hard at his honesty.


I don't remember that. But I remember David Cross AKA Tobias from Arrested Development promoting one of the Chipmunk films a few years ago. He told Conan that the movie is terrible and no one should go see the movie. Conan was dying from laughter.
