I get it now

Conan was recently on the Howard Stern show telling his backstory and all, and he mentioned how surprisingly he is on anti-depressants! The pharmaceutical companies got to him too! He went on how he was afraid that by taking them he would lose some of his funny and claims he hasn't, but he actually has. I noticed ever since moving to TBS he is a more sedated Conan, not as wacky or crazy. The dude on Late night with Conan O Brien was *beep* hilarious in every ridiculous way. Since then he's still funny, but something is missing. My assumption was; Ok, he is now older, married, has children to take care of, add to that maybe TBS has put restrictions on him? but wait, its cable tv! Then it all came together. The SSRI drugs have *beep* with yet another comic. First, Jim Carrey and now Conan. : /


I didn't know he was on antidepressants! I know in his documentary, they spun him as a really dark and lonely person, but I thought that was the filmmakers being a wee bit cruel and unfair. But I guess it's true.

I hope this doesn't lead to a Robin Williams ending in the future.

Andy at least seems level headed (if a little too comfortable), though I guess he drinks a bit.


I definitely don't see him leading down to what Robin Williams did because Conan has more leverage than that..at least that's my assumption. I just hope he slowly eases up on the medication until he no longer needs it. I know plenty of people who completely lost their funny after being heavily medicated with these drugs.


That's because Andy smokes pot.


https://soundcloud.com/howardstern/conanobrien_depression?in=howardste rn/sets/sternshow-02-25-15

**** JAY LENO....GO COCO!!!!!!!!!!


You'd be surprised by the number of funny people who have social-aniexty and depression issues and take those kind of meds for it. I listen to too many podcasts with comedians, and it comes up a lot.



George Carlin had social anxiety and depression and he didn't take a single pill, truth is, if not for his condition he would not have become the comedian that he did. Same with Denis Leary


George Carlin had social anxiety and depression and he didn't take a single pill...

That's because George Carlin self-medicated with cannabis and cocaine, among other things...

"...And on this farm he had an igloo..."


He did cocaine in his youth but regrets it..Cannabis though, well that's a wonder drug.


did he state when he began taking them..



did he state when he began taking them..

Not sure exactly, but it was sometime after he got fired from NBC
