The Korea show preview last night had a couple shots of Conan with Steven Yeun. Considering that the Korean Spa remote was one of his better shows in recent years, this portends very well, imo. Conan and Steven have great comedic chemistry.
It was very good. The scene with the language tutor was hilarious. The show wasn't as good as the spa remote, but it was definitely on par with Cuba and Armenia. Steven felt a little out of his element, perhaps he was jet lagged or maybe he was dealing with family stuff. Overall, though, I enjoyed it.
"Can I say you're the best dressed soldier I've ever seen in my life? You're like a Janet Jackson backup dancer."
It was very good. The scene with the language tutor was hilarious.
Ha Ha!!! Yes, that segment had me rolling!!
The entire episode was really good.
The segment at the DMZ was interesting. I never knew that there was a place where an actual room was divided into North and South Korea. I liked the part where he commented on the one soldier looking like a Janet Jackson backup dancer!!
Definitely a "must see" episode. It looks like they're going to re-air it on Wednesday night.
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Great show! I laughed my ass off. The backup dancer line was gold! And I loved the bit where he was on the Korean soap. That girl was hot.
And he got to be in a K-pop video with Steven and a famous K-pop star where they incorporated his string dance. I was rolling when all the female backup dancers were doing it in sync. Rock on Conan, rock on