MovieChat Forums > Conan (2010) Discussion > Conan on Orlando Tragedy

Conan on Orlando Tragedy

Rather hypocritical don't you think Conan??? How many actors/actresses have you had on your show who plug movies which practically glorify gun violence?


There was an episode where he fired a bunch of guns with Hunter S. Thompson.

As for his recent comments...he's just another over-emotional Hollywood liberal who wants to take away people's guns as he lives in his gated mansion guarded by armed security. Every time there's a mass shooting by a terrorist or psychopath the media focuses their attention on the tens of millions of law-abiding gun owners and acts like they share the blame. It's sick that people use the actions of a criminal to try taking away rights from citizens. However there is one thing I agree with the antis on...this guy shouldn't have been able to get guns so easily when the FBI investigated him TWICE for links to terrorism.


Agreed but he's no where near as bad a Seth Meyers. You should have seen that maggot last night...



I'm glad he said what he said. It's the truth and was heartfelt.

Higgins was right.


It's his opinion and that's all it is. Law abiding citizens of this country have the right to own firearms.


Working again a treat over the last couple of days Phileas.

Laws can be changed for the better...


It's his opinion and that's all it is. Law abiding citizens of this country have the right to own firearms.

He never said people shouldn't be able to own guns. He spoke specifically about semi-automatic weapons.

The big moments are gonna come. You can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts.


In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915-17, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

I got news for em. Theres gonna be hell to pay. Cause I aint Daddys little boy no more


He even used the "weapons of war" line. Barf!

I got news for em. Theres gonna be hell to pay. Cause I aint Daddys little boy no more


I'm never going to convince Americans that it'd be a better idea not to have them but you sure love your guns.

In the UK, we had a massacre of school kids by a gunman in 1995 and laws were changed immediately. It's never happened since and I hope it never does again.

Australia was the same after Sandy Hook

I just don't understand why you'd want one.

Children are killed all over the country when firearms are found / go off by accident.

I often hear the argument that they're locked away / without ammo to avoid this sort of tragedy.

You hear that it's for defence.

The Aussie comic Jim Jeffries had a great sketch covering it all. If they're locked away safely and you're insitent that they're to defend you from an doesn't really add up. Intruders coming to your home to rape or kill you aren't going to wait until you toddle off to your secure lockaway to get your weapon.

As I say, I'm never going to change anyone's mind and it's not for me, in another country to do so but I just can't fathom after all the needless deaths and losses of loved ones, why changes aren't made. It's mental to an outsider.


^ Prolly voted Remain.

I got news for em. Theres gonna be hell to pay. Cause I aint Daddys little boy no more


I did but had I voted leave (and I was considering it), my attitude would have been exactly the would much of the UKs too.

The split was 52/48 on the vote. Pretty much everyone hear agrees on our gun control laws compared to the *beep* the US has.

Not entirely sure of your point as regards that vote. It's not like it was all left-wing people voted remain.


The worm has turned, Bremainder. The winds of nationalism are sweeping the globe! 

I got news for em. Theres gonna be hell to pay. Cause I aint Daddys little boy no more


Nationalism (in Scotland) is causing nothing other than rifts while the country goes down the pan as the ruling party negate their duties to further their own agendas for what a minority of the people want.

I don't see it as a positive.
