Film Brain looks at a film set at the biggest party you've likely ever seen and offers a view of humanity that will make you want to hurl. Contains strong language, drug and alcohol use, censored nudity, sex references and some violence. This work is protected by Fair Use.
I'm no prude, but I agree 100% with Film Brain. This movie is absolutely irredeemable. Misogyny, homophobia, animal cruelty, irresponsible alcohol consumption and glorification of illicit drug-taking...
FB has skewered some films quite well, such as Roland Emmerich's '2012,' which is one of my favorite reviews of his.
His take on 'Project X' just cemented the fact that I'll NEVER consider wasting my time watching it. I didn't think anyone could make a mouthy, annoying teen be worse than Jonah Hill's character in 'Superbad,' but Costa in X seems to have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
I was waiting for him to get some sort of comeuppance, but no.
There was an episode of Tiny Toon Adventures where Plucky Duck cons Hamton Pig to throw a party that soon gets out of control and in that case, I found humor in that. Sure, Plucky takes no responsibility for what happened, but that's a cartoon. 'Project X' makes me fearful that there are egotistical little maniacs like Costas out there, who just see life as 'take what you want and damn the consequences.'
I saw that TT episode too and I found that painfully unfunny, but then again, I don't usually find unrepentant a**wipes funny. I feel that as 'cringe comedy' without the comedy.
Costa... I'm thinking about an enormous amount of alimony for the kids he most likely fathered (and which I'd hope wouldn't turn out like him if he were real), because it's implied he's filthy rich by the 'lawyer' bit (in money alone, though) and an ENORMOUS amount of STDs.
Hawkeye: Do you know how it feels to be unmade? The Avengers
It was a good review, and I love Film Brain's videos, but even he was barely able to touch on just how filthy, misogynistic and homophobic this film is. It's really upsetting on a human level.
And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?