MovieChat Forums > Project X (2012) Discussion > This movie promotes evil behavior.

This movie promotes evil behavior.

I saw the trailer to this movie when I saw The Sitter, and it really angers me that someone would make a movie encouraging teenagers to do evil things like having sex and drinking while underage and doing drugs!

I use to think the Harry Potter movies were bad and encourage kids to be disrespectful towards adults, but this movie looks much worst then that!

Movies that are like Project X are possibly the reason why my nephew acts disrespectful towards me.

We need movies like Project X to stop being made!

Who agress with me?


No one.

Believe it or not, teenagers party. No kid is going to live in a bubble, be the "perfect" kid with the "perfect" life. You can still be a respectful and smart teen even if you party once in a while.

So no one will ever agree with you, nor will movie like this ever stop being made.







And teens don't die and get injured everyday by making stupid decisions/mistakes every day? They do. It's reality. NOT making these types of films won't keep kids from partying or getting hurt.





Bad parenting causes children to be disrespectful, not media.

While I do believe bad parenting happens, it's mainly only same sex parents that causes the bad parenting.

I have a teenage nephew who sometimes acts disrespectful towards me, and he doesn't live with gay parents: so it must be the movies and music he listens to.

I'm 31.

I'm older then you, and this post shows I know more about kids then you do.

I'm an expert on how kids think, and I'm still struggling to get a job as a child psychologist (they say you have to get a degree or something like that, but I don't need one).


Wow, that was incredibly disrespectful and prejudice. Gay parents love their kids as much as straight ones.

I am straight, but most of my friends are gay; They are fantastic parents.

I have two nieces and two nephews. They are all exposed to the same media. My brother and sister, both straight, have vastly different parenting styles. The result in the behavior is drastic.

Media is an excuse bad parents use. I am more than willing to admit the flaws of my siblings and myself. You should learn to do the same.

Take accountability, and stop blaming movies.


The guys a troll, you can tell after that last post.

I abhor you...with every foolish thing, that you say.


The guys a troll, you can tell after that last post.

So because you don't agree with my beliefs I'm a troll now?

I already tried to report your post (I selected "poster is mean to me") but all I got as a response is "Please add this poster to your ignore list", but I'm not going to because I'm not a pussy.


"While I do believe bad parenting happens, it's mainly only same sex parents that causes the bad parenting."

You honestly expect me to take you seriously after an idiotic statement like that?

"I'm an expert on how kids think, and I'm still struggling to get a job as a child psychologist (they say you have to get a degree or something like that, but I don't need one)."

This is what made it obvious that your a troll. This was obviously a joke, I won't even acknowledged that it wasn't because of how stupid it was.

I abhor you...with every foolish thing, that you say.



Wow, that was incredibly disrespectful and prejudice. Gay parents love their kids as much as straight ones.

I am straight, but most of my friends are gay; They are fantastic parents.

It's just your opinion they're fantastic parents, until you become a parent you'll start to finally have mature thinking when it comes to parenting and realize same sex parenting is not right.

Actually let me ask you this, are you a heterosexual parent?


You can't pretend to be a psychologist and throw around a completely racist statement the way you did. You're just trying to get a rise out of people. It shows how pathetic of a life you live. I feel sorry for you personally.


You can't pretend to be a psychologist

Not only did I never pretended to be a psychologist, but I'm not even legally one.

I did say before I want to be a child psychologist, but that doesn't mean the same thing you just said there buddy boy.

and throw around a completely racist statement the way you did

Not only did I never say anything racist, but I'm also strongly against racism.

I'm also against racist movies too.


If your nephew is being gay and disrespectful, I'm afraid your only real option is to *beep* the gay disrespect out of him. Its not a pretty job, but as the saying goes...Don't expect to have your nephew respect you without getting a little *beep* on your dick.


You're against racism, and also against homosexuality. Seems your beliefs are a bit contradictory to one another.


You're against racism, and also against homosexuality. Seems your beliefs are a bit contradictory to one another.

Hate the sin, love the sinner.



LOL at the person that said saying same sex couples raise bad kids is "racists", last time I checked being gay wasn't a race.

LOL at the bitch you made that ignorant statement. There have been plenty of studies done on homosexual couples parenting VS heterosexual couples parenting. The only thing being gay and raising a child effects is that kids views twords the LGBT community.


The only thing being gay and raising a child effects is that kids views twords the LGBT community.

Actually that's not the only thing, but even so kids thinking being gay is normal is still wrong and that type of thinking can lead to being a naive person who doesn't know how the world is suppose to work.


Someone like you , you mean

People who dont punch their ponies make me sick


I was adopted by homosexual parents. I'm 17. My idea of a perfect Saturday night is sat at home watching a Fellini, or a Bergman, talking about life and not worrying about being hungover or anything like that. I'm actually watching this (vile) film right now, and I have two thoughts in my head, one more subjective than the other. The first, is that this film is poorly made, is thin, vapid, pointless, and in any other context would be a testament to human cruelty.

The second is that I would never want to go to a party like this, at all ever, and that the night being portrayed here is akin to my own personal hell. It looks vile and disgusting and degrading. This is an opinion shared by several of my friends, who all commented upon the film's release how untrue to life it actually is.

So that's that. I'd argue that it does promote evil acts (I'm as close to anti-drug as there could possibly be), and yeah. Nasty piece of work is this film.

Case in point. I'm a bit of an anomaly to you, aren't I? I hold the same opinion of you on this film... Yet the one reason you would give for such flagrantly immoral behaviour was a factor in my own childhood. Figure me that one?

Did you notice how the parents in this film were a man and wife?

Maybe bad parents are bad parents are bad parents. I got the good ones.

All I have to say to you is this; eat your words, you nasty, homophobic troll. Much like this film, you are a considerably unpleasant to witness.


"A man who does not spend time with his family can never be a real man."


I think I know why you're struggling to get a job as a Child Psychologist.

I'm 17, it's not hard to see when someone doesn't understand what they are talking about when it revolves kids.


What does your sexual orientation have to do with your ability to raise a child? I know plenty of straight people who are just awful parents. Infact I'd be willing to bet that gay parents are more concerned with their childs welfare as in most cases they would have had to go through so much red tape to be able to adopt a child, which would mean they really do want to have a child to love and raise. Could you say the same thing about couples that just fall pregnant accidentally and have absolutely no desire to raise a child?

"It's a Fez. I wear a Fez now. Fez's are cool"


Call me stupid, but i thought the op was being sarcastic.I assumed they were taking a pop at the kind pious moralising this sort of movie is bound to attract. Then Ive read the other comments and either their taking the joke to far to get a rise out of people, or they have some damn warped ideas. I really hope its the latter otherwise its just disappointing that in this day and age someone could be just so wrong.

"Its just a ride"


Call me stupid, but i think the op is being sarcastic.

My OP has no sarcasm.


Intentionally or not your a funny mother£$%£er.

"Its just a ride"



I have a teenage nephew who sometimes acts disrespectful towards me, and he doesn't live with gay parents: so it must be the movies and music he listens to.

Maybe someone needs to turn off the *beep* TV.


He's probably disrespectful because he doesn't like you. Ever thought of that? I've seen PLENTY of bad parenting with straight parents so you're argument is invalid. You say these things like they're facts but they are clearly just opinions of someone who grew up with no understanding or acceptance of how other people are.

Back off, man. I'm a scientist!


it's mainly only same sex parents that causes the bad parenting



I want to agree with you about this film looking like a pile of vulgar tripe but I think you are an idiot. Also freedom of expression/speech.

Your name is a reference to a "pussy troll" and you expect me to believe that you are offended by this trailer?


Your name is a reference to a "pussy troll" and you expect me to believe that you are offended by this trailer?

You're like the 84th person who claims I saw Clerks 2 and took it out of there on purpose even though that's not what happen.

I only chose that name because a few years ago a friend of my nephew called me that and I thought it sounded cute so I chose it as my IMDB screenname.

After the first couple of times when someone accuse me of seeing this Clerks 2 and using my screenname as a character from that movie, someone finally told me what "Pillowpants" actually means.

While it sounds gross, I don't have any interest in changing my screenname.

So right now the only thing you accomplished is being the 84th person who accuse me of something like that.



Judgmental dickheads.

Insert @V@T@R


Your nephew acts disrespectful towards you because you are an uptight puritanical lunatic who doesn't deserve respect.

I'm an adult and kids are supposed to respect adults no matter what!

Kids disrespecting adults seems to be something this movie supports, and we need movies like this to stop being made just so kids would stop getting ideas!

Another thing that really upsets me is when they cross my backyard. I don't care what their excuse are it's still a huge sign of disrespect towards adults!



Even pedophiles, serial killers, and lawyers?

Kids don't hang out with people like that so I don't know what you're talking about buddy boy.

You mean "get off my lawn"? ROFL.

Each week I take a walk and these kids on their skateboards would ride past me in a very loud disrespectful way, and then they laugh because they think they scared me.

You remind me of those young people, you and your friends think you own the world and think you know everything, but you don't!

I found this video on youtube and I watch it a few times each week because it always puts me in a good mood, knowing that young people in real life are getting treated what they deserve.

Here is the video mp;a mp;a mp;playnext=1&list=PLDAA1C6B33E73BC67

Now when you and your friends are out, you better make sure Officer Rivieri doesn't catch you on the act!


That Rivieri is a fat sack a Sh** and lost his job because he wasn't doing it right and was a horrible cop. That is what I like to call justice when crappy cops who target young kids doing nothing wrong get canned.


That Rivieri is a fat sack a Sh** and lost his job because he wasn't doing it right and was a horrible cop. That is what I like to call justice when crappy cops who target young kids doing nothing wrong get canned.

I was upset when I heard he got fired.

First he got suspended with pay, which I think was a good enough punishment.

But no, after many months later they decided to punish him for the same thing again, and that turned out to be him getting fired.

He is one of those good cops that likes to tell what it really is, and that especially includes young people disrespecting adults and act like they can do whatever they want!


Of all the comically orthodox things you've said that I wanted to respond to, this has to take the cake. I'm from the South and you sound similar to many people I've had to deal with, so my assumption is that like them, you were raised in a by-the-book Baptist or something similar household and got the *beep* kicked out of you by at least one of your parents. If everyone thought like you, our world would not evolve one more step because new ideas/thoughts/philosophies scare you. And for the record, teens will ALWAYS disrespect adults but adults like you are what makes teens and young people (like me) love to make a mockery of everything you hold dearly. Adults, especially ones like you, do not simply deserve respect; all that means is you were smart or lucky enough to live to see the next generation, congratulations. I'm sure I speak for millions and millions when I say that adults like you make me want to disrespect and rebel against the establishment. That's all for now but I still have to read through this whole thread, so be on the lookout for more from me.


Teenagers are *beep* they've been *beep* since the beginning of time, and they'll be *beep* until the world ends... they want to drink and have sex and do all the fun, terrible stuff you like but say they shouldn't do because, DUDE, YOUR NOT THE BOSS OF ME, BRO!

They're disrespectful because they're halfway between childhood and adulthood and their minds and bodies are trying to make the jump, they want to finally be treated as adults but they're still too young, so they get pissed off at you because your just being a meanie adult who wants to keep the fun *beep* away from them. Add in friends who may have different lives that could be full of drugs and alcohol and things get difficult... I'd rather blame peers than media, are you the same type of asswipe who whines over Grand Theft Auto?

What I hate is the idea that this is somehow suprising or something... is this the 1950's?


I was agreeing with your post until you insulted me towards the end of the post.

While I do believe the media influence American youth, I also agree with you it has to do with the friends they hang out.

I remember two years ago I told this kid not to hang around my nephew when I found out this kid's secret.

It's good you agree with me that they're are a lot of teens who do bad stuff like doing drugs, having sex, drinking, and being gay, but don't assume we are so different from each other because I think I can possibly relate to you.


Sorry about the insult, BUT you do sound like someone who complains about stuff like that, i mean you have to face that sex, drugs and alcohol permeates our culture, sometimes you can't fight it.

And I agreed with most of your post until you mentioned being gay as bad stuff? Uh, right, I'd rather have gay nephews than ones who drink, smoke, lie, do drugs, and act like dickholes.


And I agreed with most of your post until you mentioned being gay as bad stuff? Uh, right, I'd rather have gay nephews than ones who drink, smoke, lie, do drugs, and act like dickholes.

I believe being gay is very wrong, it even says so in the Bible. It doesn't surprise me it's considered a sin since being gay sounds gross and gays usually like to break up families.

Some kids would choose to be gay just to upset their parents.

It's my belief it's the parent's choice what their kid's sexual oriantation is supposed to be.


If you're not a troll, which I truly doubt, I hope you follow all of those other little prohibitions in the bible. Do you throw your wife out othe house when she is menstruating?

Leviticus 15:19-20

"When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening.

Anything she lies on during her period will be unclean, and anything she sits on will be unclean."

And it goes on from there. I hope you don't eat shellfish. Shaving is forbidden also.

And God forbid(And in this case, it is literal) that you break Leviticus 19:19. You can't wear cloth made from blending 2 kinds of material. So I hope you don't have any kind of cotton/polyester blends in your wardrobe.

Do you rise in the presence of the elderly? Leviticuss 19:32

And I guess a lot of Republicans aren't Christians. Leviticus 19:33 says "When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him" So I guess all of Arizona is going to hell


If you're not a troll, which I truly doubt, I hope you follow all of those other little prohibitions in the bible. Do you throw your wife out othe house when she is menstruating?

Leviticus 15:19-20

"When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening.

Anything she lies on during her period will be unclean, and anything she sits on will be unclean."

And it goes on from there. I hope you don't eat shellfish. Shaving is forbidden also.

And God forbid(And in this case, it is literal) that you break Leviticus 19:19. You can't wear cloth made from blending 2 kinds of material. So I hope you don't have any kind of cotton/polyester blends in your wardrobe.

There is the possiblity that not everything in the Bible is true.

It's possible someone who does not know the word of God may have wrote a few things in the Bible that are not true.

Anyone who has a positive relationship with God will know which ones in the Bible is true and which ones isn't.


"Anyone who has a positive relationship with God will know which ones in the Bible is true and which ones isn't."

This HAS to be the most unbelievably self-righteous, assumptive, misinformed, brain-washed line I have EVER heard from a bible-thumper, and growing up in Georgia I have met quite a few. Wow. And you couldn't even get the grammar correct. I hope some man rapes then you. Maybe then you'll just kill yourself for being gay that one time. I suppose I can dream.

But really, stop pretending you are your nephew's parent and you know how kids work, I guarantee you would be the worst parent or child psychologist of all time if you had a chance at becoming either. Not that you will even go to college and get the degrees necessary because you'll still be complaining about how you shouldn't have to get a degree just because you are positive you know kids well enough to be a successful child psychologist, and I would go out on a limb to say you won't be getting laid anytime soon, not that I'm assuming you ever have. You should probably just kill yourself.


"There is the possiblity that not everything in the Bible is true.

It's possible someone who does not know the word of God may have wrote a few things in the Bible that are not true.

Anyone who has a positive relationship with God will know which ones in the Bible is true and which ones isn't."


Got to be the most dedicated troll I've ever seen....seriously


It's hard to believe that in this day and age people, especially the teens on here who are supposed to be internet-saavy, actually think this guy is for real. I honestly thought this kind of trolling lost effectiveness around 2007. I was wrong.


Lol I only read half-way through this thread before stopping. Good show OP. I already sensed the sarcasm in the first post.


Lol I only read half-way through this thread before stopping. Good show OP. I already sensed the sarcasm in the first post.

There is no sarcasm in my OP.


Nobody with a Kevin Smith inspired handle really thinks like this. Great job keeping up with the dumb posters here though. I know now that Pillowpants is not only a p u s s y troll but a message board troll as well. Bravo Pillowpants.


Nobody with a Kevin Smith inspired handle really thinks like this. Great job keeping up with the dumb posters here though. I know now that Pillowpants is not only a p u s s y troll but a message board troll as well. Bravo Pillowpants.

Hey buddy boy I suggest you look at this post. &p=1#193837939


succesfull troll is succesfull, well done OP


succesfull troll is succesfull, well done OP

Don't encourage him.


Obvious troll is obvious

You show me a balanced news outlet, I'll show you a liar.


This coming from some one with a user name (Pillowpants) from the movie Clerks 2 about a P**sy Troll that lives in one of the characters girlfriends pants. A film that also has a Donkey Sex show in it.

And were supposed to take you seriously? I smell a trololololol


This coming from some one with a user name (Pillowpants) from the movie Clerks 2 about a P**sy Troll that lives in one of the characters girlfriends pants. A film that also has a Donkey Sex show in it.

And were supposed to take you seriously? I smell a trololololol

Hey buddy boy if you're going to make an opinion of me I suggest reading all my posts on this thread before you do that smartmouth. &p=1#193837939


It's sad to know that Americans, most being well-educated and groomed, are still close-minded. How can you judge this movie without watching it first? And how can you think same-sex marriage contributes to bad parenting? Do you live under a rock? Oh wait let me guess, you probably live in a trailer park in the outskirts of Kentucky where B.O. is not frowned upon.
Well, I got some news for you buddy, this is life. Believe it or not, there are parties like this and if you watched the full trailer, you'll see the consequences of throwing a huge blowout.
I went to a party like this back in high school. This upper middle-class kid threw a huge blowout in his house after our school won the football state championship. That was probably the craziest night I've ever been a part of. Cops were called, people were either arrested, too hungover to show up to school for a few days(!), or severely injured. I know one of my friends who attended could not play soccer for the rest of the school year due to his injury resulting from the party. Oh, did I mention the repercussion of the kid who threw the party? Never saw the poor bastard in school again. Rumor has it that his parents sent him to military school and financially cut him off but then again, that's just a rumor.

There's ALWAYS money in the banana stand!


My Favorite part is that when ever you post anything you get ripped on for your name ahahahahahaha. You have to make an entire post just to fight off that *beep* name you picked lol


Wow.... Harry Potter a bad film for kids? I've heard it all. You sir have some issues.


Wow.... Harry Potter a bad film for kids?

Well it's because it encourages disrespect towards adults.

You sir have some issues.

I don't get exactly what you mean.


What movies then in your opinion are "appropiate" for children?


What movies then in your opinion are "appropiate" for children?

Air Bud and all it's sequels.


You do realize that the boy in Air Bud "disrespects" the adult villain in the movie as well as the coach. Maybe that is the reason why your nephew is disrespectful of you as an "adult". It's because you are the villain in the family. Ever think of that? The villain never believes that he is doing anything wrong.


You do realize that the boy in Air Bud "disrespects" the adult villain in the movie as well as the coach.

While Air Bud has some edgy content for a kids movie, it's not that bad.

It's also the reason why I waited until my nephew turned 13 to be able to show it to him.

Before he turned 13 I showed him all the Air Bud sequels from my personal dvd collection since they seem more lighthearted.


You really don't understand the concept of sarcasm, do you? You seriously can't be that clueless.


You really don't understand the concept of sarcasm, do you?

Hey buddy boy I had no idea you were being sarcastic.

Maybe you should have told me instead of coming up with a disrespectful comment like this one here on the bottom.

You seriously can't be that clueless.


You must of been sheltered as a child or are a huge troll. Your nephew will hear way worse stuff in school at age 13 then air bud will show them
