I just can't take this guy anymore.
It breaks my heart to stop watching this guy, really it does. Back in 2009 and 2010 he was one of my own personal heroes. He made me laugh harder than I had in years. Hell even after 2010 he was still really funny, the other animated Titanic review made me fall out of my seat I laughed so hard.
But not anymore.
Now all he is is a pompous, self-righteous, pretentious, snobby, hypocritical, preachy, condescending jerk.
What happened to Doug Walker?
It seems the negative reactions to the Let's Play of Bart's Nightmare changed something in him. He became more hit and miss than anything else. Sure he had good episodes afterwords like Doug's 1st Movie, Signs, Felix the cat the movie, Blair Witch 2, Son of the Mask, Star Trek TMP, the Last Airbender, Bridge to Terabithia, The worst Christmas special, Wicker Man, and Bloodrayne; those are the ones since late 2011 that have re-watch value to me.
But it's been mostly abominations like James and the Giant Peach, Transformers G1, Small Soldiers, Jurassic Park 1 and 3, The Lorax, AI, Cat in the Hat, Pearl Harbor, Man of Steel, Temple of Doom, Scooby Doo, Patch Addams, Moulin Rouge, Star Trek 3, Thomas and the Magic Railroad, The Purge, Princess Diaries 2, Alice in Wonderland, The Shining, The Haunting, Top 11 Movie Themes, and dare I forget Sailor Moon?
Those episodes are unwatchable for me.
The thing is, I think sometime during 2011 and 2012 something happened to Doug Walker. Something bad. He isn't the guy who tried to be nice and accepting and was against mean spiritedness anymore. Back then he didn't want to make people angry.
Now he doesn't care who he offends, who he pisses off, or how dark and disturbing he gets. He insults anyone who likes certain things (I don't like Adam Sandler either but I don't think his fans deserve to die,) and tried to use the excuse of "Critic said it, not me"
And I know you're probably saying "Doug and the Critic are separate. One's a character and one's a real person." I know that, but does Doug know it?
Listen to those Avatar/Adventure Time V-Logs. He treats anyone who complains or points out a mistake he made like they're a whiny idiot. He even does the Douchey McNitpick voice to mock them with.
There used to be a line between Doug and the Critic. Now that line is getting thinner and thinner.
Someone once said the more you know about a person the more crappy they are.
Doug Walker proved that statement.
He has made me reconsider how I view comedy, made me reconsider what I think is funny. I even went back and watched a ton of his old episodes and yes they're still funny. They still make me laugh.
It's not me who has changed. It's Doug.
I know Doug Walker doesn't care. He's famous and I'm not and I accept that. I'm just some guy on a computer who doesn't think too highly of himself. I know I'll never go on to meet famous people, make movies, create memes, or sign autographs at conventions. And I'm okay with that.
I don't need to be famous or important to matter.
If Doug reads this he'll brush it off, maybe even mock me on facebook, or a video. But I don't care if he does.
I stopped caring because Doug stopped caring.
Doug doesn't want to make people laugh anymore. He wants to educate them to his ways and anyone who disagrees with him he'll be happy to make fun of (Man of Steel fans, Adam Sandler fans, Transformers fans, Sailor Moon fans etc...(I know he never directly says some of them are stupid but you can clearly tell by the look on his face, the tone of voice, and the lack of caring that he does) and that's good because it proves just what and who he has become.
He and his brother need to take a look in the mirror, wipe that smug look off their faces, and say "What are we doing? What have we become?"
But I know they won't. I don't matter and they know that.
It's just my opinion.
I'll remember the good of Doug, and I Don't have to remember the bad.
(NOTE: Okay I was really depressed and angry while writing this and just really needed to get some anger off my chest. This is pretty accurate to my feelings about Doug as of late. To paraphrase Quentin Tarantino, who said this about David Lynch, "Doug Walker's his head had disappeared so far up his own ass that I have no desire to see anything else of his until I hear something different. And I loved him."
Yeah, pretty bad. I loved Doug and now I just find him and his brother pretty loathsome. I seriously can't tell if they're trying too hard or not trying at all anymore.
I have nothing against Malcolm and Tamara, in fact I find them pretty good, they just have bad material to work with. I'd hate to lose them, so keep them but cut the skits down to under a minute, don't have any intros or outtros, keep the theme but get rid of the obnoxious screams and booms, and most importantly: get off the soapbox and stop preaching.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone or made anyone mad. I just wanted to voice my opinion of Doug's current state. I've been going through a rough time lately, people close to me who have been there my entire life have been dying and the loss of some of my favorite comedians and actors like Robin Williams and the like are making it worse, I may have gotten over excessive with this rant, but I needed to get this off my chest.) Thanks for reading.
"I absolutely adore movies. Even bad ones......A good bad movie is a great movie" - Roddy McDowall