I do not have a problem with Rachel's character. Silly privileged girl is in love. But she does have legs that might be better always in trousers. They are not the legs of a DONNA. Normally they are described as SLIM as in attractively slim but in truth they are a bit on the SKINNY sort of slim. In trousers much can be left to imagination.
Had she stayed with DADDY she could have put the LEGGY and SHAPELY DONNA'S wardrobe to shame. Donna must have some sort of extra profession out of office hours to pay for the wardrobe she shows off. A great many minutes are in fact of females walking about from place to place.
I cannot understand though why this series has had me watching more than one episode at a time due to a 'I WANT TO KNOW MORE' cliffhanger ending an episode.
I really loved the majority of THE GOOD WIFE and have to satisfy myself with a made up idea of what happened next. I thought that the last episode of SUITS was the end of the series and it was finalising the lives for the viewer. Well it seems not so I do hope that some thing of a Criminal Law nature is in the next offering. Mike and Rachel coming under attack maybe by the guy Harvey got released.