MovieChat Forums > Suits (2011) Discussion > What happened to this show?

What happened to this show?

I've been watching since episode 1.

What's happened? It's now a complete train wreck.

Jessica - Gone.
Harvey - Love interest with Donna, issues with Mom.
Donna - Fixes everything and annoying.
Mike - Can't practice now, can't be a teacher, can't work anywhere. Issues with Harvey.
Louis - God where to begin...
Rachel - Being a cry baby as per usual.

Where has the old formula gone? Case of the week where they pull victory from the jaws of defeat? It used to be a clever and fun show!

The show is pretty much a family soap opera. Bordering on being a reality tv show!

I'm just waiting for prince harry now to show up and sweep rachel off her feet and fly to Britannia!

Hoping it's cancelled soon!

Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks


It definitely was going to be hard for the show to come back after Mike went to prison. In my opinion that should've been the climax of the show towards the end of its run. Or even the finale. That would've made a great, dark finale with Mike taking Anita Gibbs' deal only for the audience to find out the jury found him not guilty.


Yeah seems like its gone down hill after last episode think i might drop this show.


It just got renewed for another season...


It was renewed for seasons 6 and 7 at the same time. This show is just such a horrible mess now, season 7 will be the last season unless they get Mike back to PSL.


You're entitled to your opinion, but I liked last night's episode. ;)


I never thought I wasn't entitled to my opinion. The whole premise of the show has changed. It's very similar to White Collar, and that's the reason they never let Neal go completely straight. It ruins all the fun.

But in White Collar they had the common sense to end it before they made Neal the equivalent of whatever Mike is supposed to be now.




I personally prefer the new format, the 'Case of the week' was boring and left little time for character advancement. I nearly dropped the series during the Hessington Oil case as that was dull !


I personally like how it's going. It feels, human, so to speak. Ep 12 was really good imo. Been watching since the beginning too.


I agree. I'm bored with the show. Never could stand Rachel, and she & Mike are boring. Too much shouting & cussing by all, most of them just seem like jerks, and I don't care about their personal lives.


"Donna - Fixes everything and annoying." She is absolutely annoying, has been from about season 3!! Legal Secretaries / Office Admins are seen, not heard while working their butts off engulfed in paperwork!!
"Rachel - Being a cry baby as per usual." Boohoo Rachel, it's not always about you.
Let's get back to how it was in season 1-2 and make it about Harvey and Mike.
AND.. when or when we will see an actual court room drama.

I complain, but I still watch... cause I really like Mike and Harvey's outwitting the opposition lawyers and for their bantering.
I could stand to see this show get rid of the "relationship or love stories" and get MORE LAW stories.


Barely an episode passes without Harvey telling someone they're a POS and saying 'we're done!' before storming out.


Yep, so true.
