Anti-whaling propaganda?

I haven't seen it yet but a friend told me it has anti-whaling propaganda. Is there truth to this? I usually don't like preachy movies.


It's actually anti-human propaganda. Everything the aliens do is perfect and harmonious and respectful of nature, and they have no diseases or irritable bowel syndrome or old people or infighting or murder or rape or voodoo or superstitions, and everything the humans do is cowardly and evil and greedy and short-sighted and revenge-driven and anti-family. They can fly a dozen lightyears in fantastical starships but they can't synthesize their own whale goo, and despite the whales being fully sentient telepathic creatures they laugh as they brutally hunt them to make cream for old peoples' faces. The Na'vi of course swim with the whales in oceans that never have silt, and empathize with them, share their pain, and sing sweet poetry to them as they take a genuine interest in the whales' rich family lives.


I guess we should then rather spend our money on "a good cause" than movie tickets?


People pay to see movies?


propaganda. Everything the aliens do is perfect and harmonious and respectful of nature, and they have no diseases or irritable bowel syndrome or old people or infighting or murder or rape or voodoo or superstitions, and everything the humans do is cowardly and evil and greedy and short-sighted and revenge-driven and anti-family.

Didn’t one of the sea teenagers lie to Jake’s second son after they got into a fist fight by leading him out to sea by pretending to go fishing with him, then abandoning him to be eaten by that giant killer fish? I don’t know if that was very harmonious. It could be called attempted murder. Haha. 🤔


I thought the exact same, it was atrocious, yet Sully's kid lied to protect his potential murderers, just because the plot needed an excuse for them to be friends.


Yeah that was weird. The characters react as if the sea-bullies had played some prank on Jake’s kid, when in fact they tried to kill him. Attempted murder, as you say.


I would call it a "save the whales" message.


Ahhh ok. That's a shame.


Honestly, I hated the movie. But, the filmwork on that aspect was pretty effective. It's still a stupid story, overlong, poorly acted, and has great CGI (like that actually matters).


Why is it a shame? We've GOT to SAVE THE WHALES!

Otherwise, do you want a powerful alien probe to come looking for them centuries from now and wipe out all life on Earth because we foolish humans callously wiped the whales out of existence centuries before??


Totally agree, AMJF. Why would anyone be against protecting whales? What a weird thing to call a “shame”. Double dumbass on him.




That was one SMALL part of the story. You've been misled.


The first movie is preachy too, so if you didn’t like it there, you won’t like it here.


no joke Minke Whale was the most delicious meat I have ever eaten in my life! I got it in Iceland 2014 it was expensive but worth every penny!!!


For me too much fish oil taste but I've only cooked one myself from the grocery store.


for me it tasted like cow meat more than fishy


it's definitely a eco-friendly movie, and it's also a noble savage story, where the colonizers are smashing the pristine, pure native population.

& i think that's a bit daft.

but i don't really care cuz the movie was mostly awesome.

the first hour is clunky. entertaining, but not really all that great.

the middle hour is the greatest national geographic special i've ever seen. i don't think there's every been something like that section made, and the movie should be seen for that element alone.

the last hour is awesome action. probably not as great as t2, cuz it doesn't have the same kind of emotion in it, but it's still awesome. he still knows how to make amazing action that is crazy, intense but also always lets you know where you are and what's happening.


What kind of animal-hating asshole is you?!
The whales were actually the best sub-plot in a senseless 1.000th invasion movie with overlong fight scenes where in the end Good wins vs Bad!
The movie is lacking creativity. Shame for all that burned production money. Not a big fan of artificial, digital 21st Trash Millenium Movies anyway! A lot bothered me but def not the "Treat Animals Better" visuals for our egoistical, fame-sick, money-greedy Trash Youth! 🗑️ 💩


If the point is to single out whaling and the nations that do it responsibly then it is deeply problematic. If animal welfare is your main concern then fighting against factory farming is a much better goal. Maybe Cameron doesn't find pigs as cute as whales? I personally think they're adorable, although they're also tasty.


Cameron in real life is someone who is pushing Vegan agenda and has a lot of money invested in it.

He has even got his buddy Arnold onboard telling lies about it's good for your health etc.

Smart guy at targeting stupid people which is why his later films have made so much money and if someones honest he hast done anything good since T2


Oh! Come on! True Lies was good!

