MovieChat Forums > Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) Discussion > CGI in trailer looks no better than the ...

CGI in trailer looks no better than the first Avatar in 2009

It looks fine i guess, but it doesnt look like much of an improvement over the first one.


Surface textures and lighting are clearly better played back to back with the original. It has been 13 years so maybe it's your eyesight that has deteriorated in that time.


CGI plateued long time ago.


Suggest you look on youtube for the comparison video, it's vastly different and highly technologically advanced from the 25 years difference.


25 years difference?

Avatar released in 2009 not 1997


Looks better and worse. It's more detailed, textured and shadowed. Which just makes it look even less real. The more advanced they make CGI, the more it looks like a video game.


Yes! Nailed it!

Also, we live in an era where Videogame graphics/VFX have basically surpassed that of Hollywood blockbusters.

Back in the day, we used to joke that a bad CGI in a film looks like a cutscene from a PS2 game.

How the turntables have turned...
