So IDR ending tell us to there will be intergalactic war in sequel. Good, that idea is going to prodyce one of most badass sci-fi movie with outer space ever. On paper that could work and bring solid box office money.
But there is one thing that could ruin everything. Creators itself.
Possible plot idea is going to be something like this:
ESD creates spaceship with wormhole maker, with that humans reach resistance planet. Aliens discovers sphere's signal and sends bunch of Harvesters to resistance planet. Humans wins and brings to resistance planet a their Independence Day. Everyone is happy enjoing a sky full of fireworks created by houndrets of explosions of Aliens ships.
Wow, such a easy predictable plot. But that is parly presented in IDR.
What if ESD did't make wormhole maker spaceship. We must wait Harvester ship to invade Earth in order to steal it and made traveling to Resistance planet possible. What if ESD base on Mars isstill allive, we can use Mars as a war field to kill queen and steal the Harvester. But with Harvester we are easy detectable by Aliens because of rradar, so if we reach Resistance planet they will be very close to us. What if resistance attack us because of harvester ship (same situation wit Sphere in Moon base in IDR).
But the biggest what if plot idea is ''is resistance planet actually an Earth in future''. With wormhole travelling there could be bending of time/space which send us into future. Sphera's is actually us with errased past.
What i would love to see in ID3? A first ever Shkadov Thruster appearance on screen. What if Alien emprees lives in big ass Shkadov Thruster and Resistance planet orbit around that. So ESD can sneak into Shkadow Thruster with Harvester ship a la first movie.
And after destroying Shkadow Thruster energy source (some sort of dwarf sun or something like that) explosion will be like supernova.
So ID3 is going to be epic sci-fi space movie with most predictable plot ever full of clichés and i'm still very hyped and definently would buy card to watch it on cinema.