A film made for Americans

Not relevant to Europeans, we just think it's junk


nope it's just not for you. I enjoyed it immensely and I dont' live in Europe


You idiot much?

It's a british, german, canadian, south african movie with british, german and probably canadian and south african actors.

I am european and I enjoyed this movie very much.
It possibly couldn't have been more far away from the typical hollywood crap as it is. It is through and through british and actually it even has a message.

You just didn't get it, because... well... you are an idiot.

Actually I am wondering, why it has only 6.8 here on IMDB.


He means the movie takes a very Americanized portrayal of things. ie. Africans waiting around to burst out of the houses and party as a white dude runs up to the village. Monks in the temple on the freakin' mountain. Old white men and their Chinese prostitutes running around China.


Don't be stupid. He was held prisoner for more than a few days. Using logic, I would think that he told his friend where he was going and when he didn't come back as scheduled, his friend called or went to track him down. I'm sure those African villagers, whom he had just had dinner with, told his friend that he had left and they hadn't seen him. So they were also worried as they clearly liked him. When he came running back, they were excited that their friend had returned alive. Totally believable. Also, some monks do live or work in temples on and near mountains. And there are prostitutes in pretty much every part of the world, including China. I'm not sure how you think this makes any of that "Americanized."


He was actually released because he had Diego Berasco's pen. Simple as that.


You weren't using logic, you were just filling in the holes how you wanted to, like the other poster said, it was because of the pen. The portrayal of entire countries comes off as americanized because of the strong usage of established mostly American stereotypes. The movie and you are both perfect examples of cultural myopia.



Did you do some sort of poll? I didn't know the whole of Europe elected you as their representative.


I'm British and I enjoyed it......


Speak for yourself. I loved it.
Did this even run in the US outside of arthouse theatres?

If you take life too seriously it stops being funny.


I'm American and also think it's junk.

E pluribus unum


I wouldn't call the movie ¨junk¨, but Simon Pegg's character did use the American pronunciation of ¨privacy¨ (long i instead of short i), and in Shaun of the Dead, they changed ¨pissed¨ to ¨drunk¨ for us yanks, so I think a more relevant question is, why aren't ALL films made for Americans, amirite you guys? USA! USA! USA!


The movie is a parade of self-absorbed, first world problems; an unconscionable flaunting of non-gratitude and greed. So yeah, pretty American.
