Ideology in "Hector and the search for hapiness" ***spoilers***
this post contains spoilers!!!
The capitalist mode of production alienates the worker from the self, a consequence of being a mechanistic part of a social class, that estranges a person from his or her humanity.
What dat mean?
It means that you - the worker - are being dehumanized in the process of production, that benefits your exploiter - the corporation owner - who is able to preserve his humanity, while you are being turned into a machine, a robot.
So you grow to hate your exploiter. You will eventually rise against your oppressor - and you can go read about the countless bloody uprisings of the working class over the last centuries, in Europe and America.
The corporate class, in order to conserve its state of well being, has to prevent the working class uprising.
How to do dat?
The human brain works at a conscious level, and at an unconscious level. While at the conscious level you know that a movie is a movie, and what happens in that movie is not real, at the unconscious level, your mind is unable to distinguish between a movie or a story, and reality. eg. you will feel sad when Leonardo Dicaprio dies in Titanic the movie.
So, the less conscious you are about the function of movies and stories and images in society, the less you will be able to resist the onslaught of the propaganda machine. Just as a toddler is convinced that Leonardo Dicaprio died, and he's shocked to see him alive and well in Romeo and Juliet, so are you convinced that Osama Bin Laden died, and you'd be shocked to see him alive and well, enjoying a lemonade in Riyadh with one of his wives.
Alright. "Hector and the search for happiness", is packed full with the Ideology of the corporate class. Here's a couple of its messages, designed to keep you - the worker - in such a conflicted state, as to prevent you from focusing your energy in destroying the corporatist system that exploits you:
1. You shall not commit adultery. We see Hector having sex only with his wife, and refusing to have sex with the Chinese and the African girls.
1a. Be monogamous. Hector realizes by the end of the movie, that his wife is the best thing since sliced bread. Because. There was some dialog to show us what made Hector's wife so great, but my balls were itching right at that moment, I blinked, and missed it.
1b. Your happiness depends on your wife's happiness. This right here is the Nice Guy Syndrome in its most obscene splendor. Hector is happy when he realizes how good life is by his wife's side, the drug lord dude is happy when his wife gets better when she changes medication.
1c. Dedicating yourself completely to your wife makes you a man. Hector finally becomes an adult, after he somehow becomes happy over the phone, with his wife, who was crying because she thought he left her for that skank, but he had only pure thoughts for what was revealed to be a respectable lady, so his wife got relieved, and that made Hector happy or something, I donno, I was scratching my balls again, that itch was back.
2. The corporate class lives a sh!tty life, it's not worth striving to achieve their standard of living. The filthy rich dudes that Hector meets, are bitter, grumpy, tormented, isolated, unhappy individuals, who don't enjoy life one bit.
3. The poorer you are, the happier you are. Those Chinese women who don't have money to go to a bar, are chatting happily and lively on the street, and the Africans living next to lions and eating potatoes, shine with happiness and positiveness. The economy class passengers are having a great time, while the first class passengers look like they got a nail stuck up their bottoms.
4. Serving others for no pay makes you happy. Hector finds out that working for free in Africa is a satisfying activity. Giving medical advice to the drug lord, he reaped the fruits of his good deed later, when his life is saved by the drug lord's pen.
5. Losing your life makes you happy. That tumor lady is happy, even though her brain is being eaten by cancer. The African kid whose mother had just been killed, is happy as an undead who just got out of the grave.
And so on and so forth. What happens with the capitalist Ideology, is that you are being conditioned with a set of values that go against your human nature. You are being annihilated as a human being, transformed into an asexual working drone.
1. Sexuality is a fundamental drive of our psyche. An indomitable bull is converted into a docile ox, through castration. Since it's very difficult to physically castrate a human, the Master has to mentally castrate his Slave.
Sexuality has to be removed or perverted, in the mind of the worker, to turn him into a docile subject. In "Hector and the search for happiness", you can't see one boob, let alone a vagina or the act of sexual intercourse. In other two instances where we see women who could interest Hector in a sexual way, they are either a prostitute, or an easy woman. They mechanically jump into Hector's arms, without him expressing any sexual desire towards them.
ooomph, this movie reeks so much of ideology, that it drains too much of my energy to expose it all...