
really bad. not funny at all. a couple of LOL scenes thats it.

so say we all


That's depressing. I was just barely rambling around this board about movies I recently watched and totally loved. Then I found out this was a flop on theaters and it's rated 6.3 on imdb. Then I just recently got out from a thread on this board and there is one guy already trashing it on a whole new thread.
Everything just sucks to everyone, this site is depressing, for my taste.


I agree...not one laugh.

I'm not that proud of everything I've done, but I'm not that ashamed, either.


Yup, very underwhelming.



I'm not commenting on the film itself. I just find the OPs statement hypocritical: "not a funny film at all. just a couple LOL moments."


Yep, I gave it a 5.

Follow me on twitter @sydsmoviepicks


I agree


I will usually hang in there until the end, especially seeing that I paid to rent. I really tried. Once I saw how bad the talk was I booted my tween and tried to watch by myself (no problem with crudity on my own). Kept looking for a real laugh. Never happened. I have returned a bad movie a handful of times in my life and this was one of them. Its a shame since I really like the actors.


It was underwhelming. I wasn't expecting a lot, and that's what I got. LOL

I do think Jesse Eisenberg is getting better looking, though, in a nerdy way. :)
