Yeah, I agree about the acting really. I do understand that in the VAST majority of comedy films the performances are not gonna be academy nominated, especially as the VAST majority of comedy performances are deliberately over-acted. And this is fine, even good when the actor can deliver the goods.
I have not seen 'Eastbound and Down', nor do I have any intention of watching a TV series with a main character portrayed by one of the weakest and most annoying actors (comedic or otherwise) around.
I have seen Pineapple Express - which I LOVED,
also 30 Mins or Less, Your Highness, Due Date, Tropic Thunder, Drillbit Taylor as well as a couple of animations he has voiced.
If you find the guy funny then fair play, I just can't stand him and can't believe he keeps getting cast. This thread was intended to state that and wonder aloud if others felt the same way as I did. I do value your reply and I certainly wasn't insinuating I expect someone of McBrides reputation to produce a Di Niro or Day-Lewis esque performance, however (I think) he is intolerable.
The wierd thing is that on this thread, I have been on my own, however a week or two back I found a board with about 7/8 other people airing very similar views to my own.