Aziz Ansari

funny dude. wanted to see more of him. overall 6/10.


I think there's going to be a flurry of south asian/hindu comedy teens in the next few years, they have comedy talent and their accent is funny! I have seen trailers featuring more hindu/south asian comedy leads in them as of late.

......Roaming Nevada's ~extra terrestrial highway~........

Movies that I ..’d ..& Recommend: ……(District 9)……(Slumdog Millionaires)…..**AVATAR**!!!!..... (Pan’s Laberynth)..... (Shawshank Redemption).…

My Favorite Quote in a Movie:
~The Titanic~ "Half the people in this ship are going to die”………… "But not the better half..”


u should check out russell peters

Last movie seen:
The Town: 10/10
Adjustment bureau: 7/10
Captain America: 7.5



Aziz sucks. His comedy is based on how "alive" he acts. Unlike real comedians and funny bits, if you re-tell any of his stuff to other people very few will laugh.

Aziz's HARRIS bit is widely unfunny and even more so when you realize all he is doing is talking loud and reading from a Blackberry.

I'd rather see Stevo-O stand up then this loser.


What the hell are you talking about? The guy was the funniest of the bunch in that movie.

......Roaming Nevada's ~extra terrestrial highway~........

Movies that I ..’d ..& Recommend: ……(District 9)……(Slumdog Millionaires)…..**AVATAR**!!!!..... (Pan’s Laberynth)..... (Shawshank Redemption).…

My Favorite Quote in a Movie:
~The Titanic~ "Half the people in this ship are going to die”………… "But not the better half..”


lol are u 13 years old or something Latino? Cause he sucked and he is the most unfunny and annoying guy i ever seen in a movie, but then again, even McBride that i do like most of the times, wasnt funny either in this piece of crap movie.
