Terrible, Brain Dead Movie

I went to see it tonight because I like to give movies a chance despite what critics like to say. The critics were definitely NOT wrong in this case.

The movie had a weak story with bad acting and childish action. I hated it. It was so brain dead that I lost interest. It was a mess to me.

Btw was Diesel playing a white man in this? I felt like he was


Sounds like you're more suited to the new Eddie Redmayne movie.
You know - thought provoking, beautifully filmed, critically acclaimed blah blah blah.
This movie was just meant to be a bit of fun.


What's Vin Diesel's colour got to do with anything?


Oh shut up and go watch some Oscar crap, witch hunter was brilliant!


Obviously you need to stick to long, depressing, drawn out sagas that can bore people the sleep. This was meant to be a fun action movie, and it was.


Seriously? You went to see a film called "The last with hunter" and expected Schindlers list type acting and diaglog... You're an idiot.. This is just a fun OTT fantasy action film...

The critics talk absolute rubbish most of the time anyway, so I don't know why most people care about the ratings so much.




You mean..... Vincent is NOT WHITE???!!!!! 


Diesel has stated that he is "of ambiguous ethnicity".[9] His mother's background includes English, German, and Scottish.[10] He has never met his biological father, and has stated that "all I know from my mother is that I have connections to many different cultures"

  Give us Batman Beyond live action, it's what the world needs  


OMG, he's not WHITE!!!!!!!!!!
Quick, someone make a load of threads on IMDB about it!!! 


We definitely need to indulge in the pain that Vin is experiencing not knowing his oriigns.

  Give us Batman Beyond live action, it's what the world needs  


From reading interview, I got the impression he was happier NOT knowing!!


Oh, I just read what was on Wikipedia. Glad to hear it doesn't bother him.

  Give us Batman Beyond live action, it's what the world needs  


Actually I was joking in reference to the 'OMG he's not white' thing.

Here are some actual quotes:
I am definitely a person of color.
When people view me, they don't necessarily see a black man. For that reason, a film like Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) or Driving Miss Daisy (1989) could never work with me in it.
I am truly multi-racial. I never knew my biological father. I've always had less information than I would have liked to have had. All I know from my mother is that I have connections to many different cultures.
[on Multi-Facial (1995)] That film is my tribute to my background. The man who raised me is black. Culturally, he made me who I am. He was a theatre director, so he also guided me artistically.
I guess I've always looked past the exterior and the ambiguity that my existence represents. When I was in my mother's stomach, it was still illegal in parts of America for people of color and white people to procreate. Everyone had known me just as a bouncer in New York because I wasn't able to get any work. There was something too ambiguous about the way I look that would prevent me from ever getting a star.
