I find this movie greatly missleading. Real witches do NOT have a Queen.
Each one of them are responsible for themselves. Plus each have gifts for both light and dark. It depends on the witch themselves (weather male or female); weather to go fully light or dark. If the witch is capable of walking that thin Grey line in between is truly able to control themselves.
There are witches who are still learning and then there are ones who refuse to stop learning. On top of everything each one of them must always practice their gifts. I am a generational witch. Which means it's part of my family. I felt different and saw things differently. I didn't know fully what I was until I asked. No one pushed me. I wanted to learn more and still do.
This movie makes it easy for some people to still be begets and it's not factual. But just one side of what a few people think. Read about WICCA or WICCAN. It is a religion not some stupid cult. We teach love, understanding, and giving back. This movie showed none of that.