Man, this movie was GARBAGE
I have to come back to break up the circlejerks over this hugely misguided mess. It's awesome we have to follow a character that's in such a low place that she's selling her eggs. Great start there Wachowskis. From there, we get some of the most uninspired derivative trash that was ever graced the cinema. It's like they sat down and watched Man of Steel and Thor and cribed those parts to make a Frankenstein monster so ugly, woeful and stupid that the whole thing is embarrassing for everyone involved.
I like how they titled the movie Jupiter Ascending when the eponymous character gets thrown around and screams a lot, and doesn't really get to be the hero of her own film. Unless you count that lameass final sequence when she fights off the universe's biggest space sissy. Why not title the movie after the wolf guy? The costuming in the movie was from the low end of a 90s sci-fi punk show. So seeing the bounty hunters was always a laugh.
Utter nonsense and pure sht. Doesn't even conclude in a satisfying manner. They really thought they could milk a trilogy out of this dud. But, the best thing about this movie is that it sank the feature film careers of the Wachowskis, and thank the lord for that.
No one is on my ignore list, because I'm not a pussy
Never mind that $#!+! Here comes MADNESS!