Miscast Leads

The movie wasn't very good but I don't think it helped that neither lead actor have all that much screen presence. I think Kunis is ok in romantic comedies but doesn't have the screen charisma here for this role and neither did Tatum. Maybe with better actors the movie would have been at least more watchable.


I thought that too. Casting two heart throbs was a commercial choice that backfired. If you have to get a hunk and a hunni, get ones with talent. They do exist.

Those giraffes you sold me, they won't mate. You sold me queer giraffes.


I agree. Tatum did a decent job, but Kunis was terrible. Her face was very Kristen Stewart -like the entire time. She was not convincing AT ALL. I really liked the CGI and technology, I hope there's another better one on the horizon. The planet harvesting for immortality angle could be used so much better.


Miscasting, no.
The problem is the two lead actors made a terrible decision to be in this movie.
