Really enjoyed this!

Definitely not deserving of so much criticism. I thought there was great chemistry between the leafs, great score and special effects etc. might not be a perfect movie but I very much enjoyed it and watched it a few times already. :-)


Awesome! I'm really glad you enjoyed the movie and had fun with it - it's a really exciting and beautifully mounted space adventure, imo.

The Labyrinth wiki!


It is a really great movie. Orginal story, fantastic f/x, funny and exciting. I can't understand all the negative critics. One of the best s-f movies we have seen.


I have to admit, I loved it. The story was different, but good. The speciale effects was beyond amazing. Very beautiful.


Total dreck except for the effects.


Why the need to post this here, instead of in one of the plentiful threads dedicated to how bad the movie supposedly is?

The Labyrinth wiki!




Just finished it myself and am surprised I enjoyed it so much. I try not and listen to critics and reviews and how it flopped, and I really enjoyed it. The cinematography was visually stunning!!!


haters gonna hate


I loved it too.
I hope the Oscars recognize the costumes, makeup and visual effects.


I loved this movie too. The costumes were great, especially the ones in the wedding scene. Lots of jaw-dropping effects like those of the giant ships bursting through the thickly clouded atmosphere and the scenes of people falling were totally believable.

Not every movie has to pass George Plimpton's litmus test. "The character development did not have that overarching... excuse me a sec, my pipe just went out."

This movie was just plain fun to watch. And here's something that just plain dills my pickle. There's always at least one reviewer that thinks they have some authority to command the rest of us by saying "Do not see this movie!", as if your taste and mine are exactly the same and I am actually not going to see this movie because you, a total internet stranger says not to.


I enjoyed too. I liked it better than Ant-man.


Me too. "Jupiter Ascending" is a film I would revisit from time to time. Really sold on the cinematography.

Adoring Haley Reinhart. Buy her "Listen Up" album.


Loving the love in this thread! It's nice to see some pure positivity on the internet for once!

