"Be careful"
New member here.
Watched again last night. Superb film IMHO . But....
The whole film revolves around Dale's decision to pass on the USB stick. Considering how he has been treated that day and how angry he is with the firm, why does he do this. Effectively, he saves the firm rather than keep the data to himself and watch the mortgage bonds become worthless before they have the chance to run the fire sale.
Keeping the USB stick would be the perfect opportunity to stick a finger up.
An alternative would have been for Dale to have been fired so quickly that the data was still on screen and, when Quinto takes over, he is given the job of tidying up and, just by luck, realises that the data on the screen is crucial. Perhaps a laptop in sleep mode? For the firm to have been saved by pure luck may have been more interesting than Dale making a decision to effectively save the firm.