MovieChat Forums > Savages (2012) Discussion > Gay theme not very subtle

Gay theme not very subtle

The two leading men are obviously lovers. Stone is such a phony (the self-styled "radical truth-teller") not to make it explicit.


there isn't a single movie on this site that has a male lead where one gay likes to chime and discuss the homo-erotic subthemes of the lead...i could care less if someone like the hog or not, but to try to inject the gay into the movie is silly.

it is better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it


You don't see the gayness between the two male leads? It's not at all subtle. I don't even know why they threw a girl in there at all. Hell, did you see the ending? Blake's character pretty much calls 'em out for it.

It was a difficult aspect of the film to deal with. I mean, in this day and age, to have two young people so completely oblivious to their own feelings. I could see this kind of stilted dynamic 50 years ago, but it just makes these characters seem unbelievably stupid. (Of course, that's not the only thing in this movie that makes the leads look like fools.)


and right after the 'do you think (blank) and (blank) were secretly gay' question comes the 'it wasn't so subtle'...


it is better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it


"Did I ever tell you I love you"

"yeah, this morning"

That was deep. I was watching it and that was a little weird. I was like.....oh give me a break


I agree with ErikRiveros. I recently saw this movie and didn't pick that up at all. If the characters were supposed to be like that or whatever, I don't think they would have shied away from it. I think the big problem today is if men do show affection towards one another people start insinuating there is more to their friendship.


Just posted same thing elsewhere, didn't get that from original viewing


If that way it was, he would have shown it to be so. He did so in JFK and Nixon. Why would he shy away from it. If that was a plot point to the story, it would have been shown.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...
