I thought the whole "rewind" approach was actually kinda cool. I just wish the second ending was a bit more satisfying. It was ok, just rather unimaginative.
As far as Travolta in the kitachen scene with Benicio, I rather liked his performance there. People always want a clean, polished performance from an actor (character) in a scene like that....when truthfully, if you consider how a real person would act in a situation like that one, often they would be shaky (with fear and/or adrenaline) and not at all perfectly scripted with clever lines and perfect delivery. In short, they'd be a mess, desperate to bargain for they lives....like Travolta did. I thought what he did there seemed quite real. Sure, in most movies the dialogue is nice and clever and polished....but in real life, it's a bit more sloppy. I know guys like the character Travolta was portraying...and I think he nailed that scene.