MovieChat Forums > Savages (2012) Discussion > The ending was stupid. Too bad, the movi...

The ending was stupid. Too bad, the movie was good.

I actually liked this until they did that strange rewind at the end. They should have kept the ending with the three of them dead together.

It was a fun, crazy and a little trashy ride though. My only problem was Travolta in some scenes but the rest were okay.


besides the ending, there are some elements of the movie that could have been better... and every single one is Blake Lively, she was annoying as hell and I never understand why she was narrating the story. The second thing I didn´t liked is the trio love story that was just so stupid. Practically the thing that kind of ruined the movie was Blake Lively, her character and the end, without these 3 elements, the movie could be an 8


Meh, I had no trouble with Lively. As I said, the only acting issue I had was with Travolta. That scene in his kitchen with Del Toro was especially painful to watch.

The trio was ok for me, I liked Hayek and I loved Del Toro, he stole the show.


I'm not sure why everyone on here is trashing the white girl but I would have preferred the second ending to the first actually and thought they could've done without the rewind...although the gun battle was a little more interesting than the DEA swooping in and arresting everyone, I thought the whole suicide pact thing was a little too weird...that's what threw me off..

"That's pretty dangerous; building a road in the middle of the street."


I hated that Del Toro's character ended up basically having a happy ending...he was a brutal character and not very likeable at all so I didn't really get why it was supposed to be satisfying that Hayek's character was locked up but he ends up getting away...and yeah the love triangle was wack...I understand trying to be original and all but a chick banging two dudes at the same time and them all coexisting with each other...lame lol


I agree that the first ending was ridiculous with the suicide pact (murder really on Chons part!) I think I would have preferred a mixture of the two endings - the gun battle was all good but I hated that they all died in that ending.. Really ridiculous. The rewinding thing was a bit stupid as well, I just wish they'd say 'this is the end' and that be it rather than you watching something and then them saying it didn't really happen. It didn't have to be a happy ending and I'm fine with some of the baddies getting away but I generally found the ending quite satisfying.


I thought the whole "rewind" approach was actually kinda cool. I just wish the second ending was a bit more satisfying. It was ok, just rather unimaginative.

As far as Travolta in the kitachen scene with Benicio, I rather liked his performance there. People always want a clean, polished performance from an actor (character) in a scene like that....when truthfully, if you consider how a real person would act in a situation like that one, often they would be shaky (with fear and/or adrenaline) and not at all perfectly scripted with clever lines and perfect delivery. In short, they'd be a mess, desperate to bargain for they Travolta did. I thought what he did there seemed quite real. Sure, in most movies the dialogue is nice and clever and polished....but in real life, it's a bit more sloppy. I know guys like the character Travolta was portraying...and I think he nailed that scene.


Both endings were bad and this movie was bad.
