Unconvincing Cartel Leadership
Cartels have a strong reputation for being unnecessarily violent and ruthless. Why did they make a soccer mom the leader of the main cartel in this movie?
Think about the scenes that we see Elena in:
1) Eating ice cream and watching reality tv with a hostage
2) Calling her daughter and whining that she doesnt visit enough
3) Riding around on ponies
4) Calling her daughter a couple more times
5) Crying and giving up the second that an enemy gets an advantage over her
6) Getting arrested by the government and not putting up a fight
Shes not even aware of some of the major moves against her organization until days after they happen/whenever Lado decides to inform her. I'm pretty sure that she wouldnt last one day as the leader in any cartel. I thought Hayeks acting was fine, I just dont understand why they chose to write her character as such a wuss.
Anyone else agree?