So what exactly WAS this movie?
I watched this a couple of nights ago and I'll be the first to admit that I don't really get it.
It was weird . . . it was strange . . . but was it good? I'm not sure I can say that it was. The best I can give it is that it was amusing. But as an actual film, I don't think I can say it was successful.
First off, in terms of plot, there's so much that is left unexplained that I have to ultimately just chalk those elements up to weirdness for weirdness sake:
- what exactly was the plan for the Spectators and why were they poisoned?
- who is running this whole thing?
- why did that guy who was watching after the Spectators eat food that he knew was poisoned; did he just casually forget for a moment?
But really, there didn't seem to be much of an actual plot, and the whole schtick of the tire "facing" someone and going into psychokinetic mode and making their heads explode got old after a while. Like the scene where the cops are in the car and they just sit there and stare at it, I was like, Why aren't y'all running that fucker over?
Maybe I missed something in the director's message here and the absurdity and lack of meaning is the point--as foreshadowed by the "no reason" speech in the beginning--but it just didn't land with me.
It had its moments, but even at 82 minutes the film feel's padded. Thankfully the director knew though that brevity is the soul of wit and didn't try to drag this thing out to two hours.
Anyone else have thoughts on this one? What was your interpretation of the film?