Dosent really fit the mold of the series. Before this, they were really good at basing plots around 1970s icons. Now with the Mr. T episode its clearly obvious that the series altogether can take place 'anytime'.
"You win some, you lose some. But you live, you live to fight another day."
Well, to a degree. Mr. T. is the 80s, but he fits the "mold" of an blacksploitation figure. But the series is based on a movie full of continuity errors, and the cartoon bounces around the 70s. And, you also had the robots from the pimp train which were more advanced than anything existing today.
I figured it would be difficult for the series to maintain various elements; the movie had a similar problem (Jai White breaking character "for a balanced breakfast" and the use of CGI fire). The Cheap Production aspect from the film is all but gone (Bullhorn can actually land a kick...).
It's probably good for them to branch out early (though, most of what they are spoofing was during the 70s) so they have more material to work with and can blend it into the series, instead of just running out of ideas and jumping to a completely different decade/genre.
As far as Cream Corn and Bullhorn being dead, I just figured the cartoon takes place in some sorta pseudo-alternate Black Dynamite universe. Or it could take place before the live-action movie. The recent episode actually gave a nod to Cream Corn's death in the movie.
P.S.- Captain Kangaroo pimp is killed on the show but alive and well in the movie so it all cancels each other out.
"You win some, you lose some. But you live, you live to fight another day."
Not really, yeah Mr. T is an 80's icon..but between the end of the show ending with the start up of the A-Team, the Vietnam War connection, not to mention the A-Teams origins and The Apocalypse Now Vibe, even tho they didn't come out and say it this episode takes place sometime in the 70's. It's like an Mr. T origin story..well via Black Dynamite that is. lol.
If you watched the episode, you'd know that Mr. T isn't a celebrity yet. It's like some sort of origin story for him. It works if it happens in the late 70s.