Too-Fast Subtitles

Is it just me or are the Russian subtitles in this movie running really fast? If you blink, you're liable to miss a whole line and even when I didn't I had to read really fast to be able to keep up. Also, the subtitles on the DVD I have were in italics, which made them even harder to read. Just wondering if anybody else had this problem. However, I still did enjoy the movie a lot but it was certainly the weakest of the series (which nevertheless makes it better than the vast majority of action films out there).

Courage is being scared to death- and saddling up anyway


English is not my first language and I didn't have any problems with it


I don't think ANY language had much to do with this monstrous perversion of the Die Hard series. Was there a SCRIPT? Was there a PLOT? I know the CHARACTERS (which dominated the majority of the 97 mins) were the seemingly dozens of cars, tanks, vans and trucks which met their end on Russian roads, so no need for subtitles here!
A truly pathetic spoiler for Die Hard franchise fans.


I totally agree. The italics were incredibly hard to read and the speed at which the text was flying made it so that I would have had to pause or rewind the film in order to read it all. Neither of those two things were options, though, since I was hating the movie.


I felt the same way! Blink & you Miss Them! And the Italics make it really difficult to see.


Yeah, I blinked a few times and missed a few lines. They were pretty quick. Don't really know why.🐭


Agree too fast and I like subtitles in general
