The making, release, and subsequent success of ‘Live Free or Die Hard’, THAT'S what fücking went wrong. A movie equally as poor as this sh!tty assed follow up, but got luckily blessed with the "praise-on-a-bandwagon" phenomenon to become one of the most undeservedly overrated mediocre movies EVER!......The very minute Tom Rothman and company envisioned *beep* with the established 'Die Hard' mantle, it went utterly WRONG!! and it can't get back to what it once was.
The minute they decided to retool the franchise for as wide an audience as possible. The minute they had yes-men hacks Len “Underturd” Wiseman helm, and Mark “Godsend” Bomback tackle the writing. The minute they took away the sardonic traits and the nuances that made the un-politically correct character of John McClane what he is. The minute they made him the confidently knowing and fully willing HERO going gung ho against the villain without a hint of being pushed against his will…...The minute John McClane became a wonderbread Mr. Dudley Do-fücking-Right with Wolverine-like abilities, dispensing wise fatherly advice and waxing patriotism to a patronizing eye-rolling level. The minute the sharp edge was dulled completely so we can have “big” clean stylized action money-shots, while conveniently avoiding the blood, carnage, and consequence of said action…………………
The minute we got an ultra-OTT gunmetal-blue superhero adventure flick constructed by committee, with all the wit, grit, and charm completely removed for a soft/innocuous rating and appeal to family audiences, and today's so-called action fans that need everything to be Fast & the Furious to enjoy it,.......
THAT'S the minute where it really all went wrong.
Bruce Willis and Faux crew didn't care one fück back in 2007, and they continued not to care one fück last year when they were making this new dimwitted piece o sh!t. They will continue to not care one fück when making the next pos to take the 2007 a$$#ole idea of a John McClane on his next family adventure to save the World. The yet to be titled DHINO part 3.
I see the DHINO part 2 haters all standing like deer in the headlights where this movie is concerned, all asking “where did it go wrong?!?” ……… pffft... fücking please people ……….It went wrong in 2007 right in your FACE when they released a pussified generic actioner that presented NOTHING of the tone or style or spirit of the series before it and told you it was a proper Die Hard.
'A Good Day to Die Hard' was just walking the path already well paved in sh!t.
Thanks dude. Just can't figure out how this one is getting so much hate on crimes the wretched DHINO part 1 already committed and got some heaping praise and love for. All the bad acting, piss-poor dialogue, utterly alien John McClane, and ludicrous story and action scenarios, well as just how plain awful this movie looks in general............all been done already with 'Live Free or Die Hard' to a dramatic extent. Amazing how many people don't seem to get that.
I guess for most of the kids that praised the acrid turd that is DHINO, they don't have the courage to come out and say they were wrong to do so, and contributed to the death of McClane by celebrating the film that destroyed him. Instead, they're either notably silent, or channelling their latent hate for DHINO into DHINO 2. As predicted, they finally grew/woke up and saw the error of their ways. I hope that more will find the courage to admit that DHINO 2 is a direct product of DHINO's success.
I disagree with your first point, I don't see anything wrong with OP expressing himself passionately. I doubt he is actually worked up or thinks this discussion is actually important.
Your second point I agree with 100%, this piece of sh!t movie was nothing but a lazy payday for all involved, so a big 'fck you' to everyone involved.
As for Die Hard 4 and Die Hard 3, I thought both of those were sh!t. Die Hard 1 is great and 2 is very good.
"there is nothing wrong with DH4 yet you find a way of using how bad DH5 movie is to attack it"
This is to cover up the fact that the haters of 4 are the reason we got the disaster that is part 5. They know it, but now must find a new tact as they got everything they wanted and it made for a terrible film. All the problems with 5, the very reason that beyond its glaring mistakes it isn't even base level entertaining, can be traced back to the incessant bitching brought on by the Die Tards. You want to know why Die Hard 5 wasn't enjoyable to watch? Because the Die Tards bitched about the humor in 4. Want to know why the action sequences in 5 were small and uninspired? Because the Die Tards bitched about over the top action. You want to know why the villain in Die Hard 5 was silly? Because the Die Tards bitched about the villain in 4 being too bland. You want to know why we can't attract a decent director back to the Die Hard franchise? Because no one wants to make a movie under the unreasonable Die Tard expectations. So, again, thanks guys.
^^ Young durdin with his very revealing post above, has made it very clear he strongly dislikes the original three R-rated Die Hard movies. A simple reading between the obvious lines, and one can easily see he's only impressed with 'Live Free or Die Hard', whereas the old series was a big turn-off for him.
Thanks Sexy, not only for fostering an environment where something as ghastly as Die Hard 5 could be green lit and released, but also for not responding in your usual unfocused, novel length, nerd rage post.
No. The Die Hard fans insisted on three things - Good Director, Good Writer, R-rating. Only one of those was met (and even then it was PG-13+ at best), so this notion that Die Hard fans were responsible for DHINO 2 is patently false. I would applaud your effort, but your lies are so obvious and limp that I can't do that. The reality? DHINO 2 was greenlit because you kids made sure DHINO was a success. The abortion that is DHINO 2 lies squarely at your feet, right next to that other abortion, DHINO. You killed Die Hard and, while I can understand that you want to run away from that responsibility, it'll be better for everyone if you just admit it. Thanks for trying though.
-Drooch- "No. The Die Hard fans insisted on three things - Good Director, Good Writer, R-rating. "
We all insisted on that genius. Unfortunately you and the rest of the Die Tards threw out a bunch of unreasonable demands and scared off any chance of attracting a decent director and writer. So thanks for that!
We all insisted on that genius. Unfortunately you and the rest of the Die Tards threw out a bunch of unreasonable demands and scared off any chance of attracting a decent director and writer. So thanks for that!
No you didn't, you constantly championed DHINO and even said it was better than some of the original trilogy. DHINO had one of the worst directors working in Hollywood, one of the worst writers, and was a PG-13 family-fun Die Hard, and you yelled its praises for years, along with the other DHINO lovers. So to suggest that you demanded a good director, writer, and R-rating is utterly false - you spent years championing a film which was the opposite of all those qualities, and Fox heard you loud and clear...
Naturally you'll want to save face by backtracking, but a swift look at your post history will pull the rug from under any dishonest tactics you might try. Better to just admit it and not soil your already ruined credibility any more, mm'K?
What a joke. Digging though post history, Drooch, can be found threads about only needing an R. Not until it came out and got overwhelmingly bad reviews did you and a couple others backtrack, and said, "Oh, yeah, it's because they had a bad writer and director, too."
Heck, you're doing the same thing over at RoboCop:
That's right, they've pulled another Die Hard 4/Aliens vs Predator/Terminator Salvation and butchered an 80's classic into a neutered, safe, bland, PG-13 catch-all marketing gimmick with all of the adult grit taken out. If you support this gutting and abuse of past classics then by all means reward the offending studio with your hard-earned. Hopefully, movie lovers will instead club together and send a clear message - PG-13 remakes of R classics = Instant Box Office Failure. Let's make it happen.
What a joke. Digging though post history, Drooch, can be found threads about only needing an R. Not until it came out and got overwhelmingly bad reviews did you and a couple others backtrack, and said, "Oh, yeah, it's because they had a bad writer and director, too."
All someone has to do is look at my post history and confirm that what you've said is patently untrue. Think this through before opening that anus you call a mouth and you'll save yourself incredible amounts of humiliation, k?
As for your pathetic effort with that Robocop quote - it doesn't apply at all because the writer and director are not remotely in the same league as your favourites, Wiseman and Moore - two of the most rancid hacks ever to have infected Hollywood. Nice try though :)
Henry, if you're going to try and troll after your epic butthurt and running away last year then you'll have to come up with something less impotent. Let's see if we can fix your pathetic attempts:
"Uhh, yeah, what you said is untrue. That quote of mine doesn't apply because it doesn't compare to LFoDH, and I say so."
Nice, solid argument you got there.
Not 'I say so', I explained the precise reasons in the above post, and anyone reading can see it right there. In your attempt to wind me up, you've just pulled the rug from under yourself, fallen flat in your face, and made a complete tit of yourself. Try again but in a less obvious and stupid way.
Speaking of your face, I'm glad you were so inept as to have your true identity, and photograph revealed, Henry Thai. What do you think of the photo? I think users need to be able to check back and see your stupid fücking face between reading your sad attempts to be a keyboard badass. It's genuinely hilarious, keep it up!
But then a look back at your post says, "they've pulled another Die Hard 4... and butchered an 80's classic into a neutered, safe, bland, PG-13..."
And...? The Robocop scenario doesn't feature a terrible writer and director, so obviously there won't be any mention of them there. You're trying to force a comparison and it just isn't working.
You're not giving your intended readers enough credit. You've insulted them and embarrassed yourself. I would have hoped that you might have grown something of a brain on your butthurt sabbatical. Come on Henry, you can do better than this...
On a side note, remember when it was a little over a year ago that you said that you'd rather have a bad DH over a good one?
Again, you're defeating yourself with your own evidence. Aside from your link not remotely backing-up what you've claimed, it's a ridiculous oxymoronic question:
Would Rather Have A Bad 'True' Die Hard Film Or A Good Watered-Down One?
- a 'true' Die Hard film cannot be bad, and a 'watered-down' one cannot be good. So while you're smugly patting yourself on your back, everyone else is watching you, shaking their heads with embarrassment for you.
Anyway, keep it up. Watching you try and be a badass but blunder over and over again, while glancing over at your hilarious face, is too funny. More, more..!
Uhh, yes. I brought up the RoboCop example to show how you're even doing stuff like this recently (no need to look up 1-year-ago threads), but all you're saying is, "No... you're wrong [insert insult]."
I think users need to be able to check back and see your stupid fücking face between reading your sad attempts to be a keyboard badass.
Whoa, you never used profanity before. ROFL, somebody's mad this time.
And...? The Robocop scenario doesn't feature a terrible writer and director, so obviously there won't be any mention of them there. You're trying to force a comparison and it just isn't working.
What do you mean, "And?" I just pointed out the essential parts of your post where you compare RoboCop to LFoDH, and you're saying I'm forcing a comparison? You can't get any clearer then putting it in red markup.
Again, you're defeating yourself with your own evidence. Aside from your link not remotely backing-up what you've claimed, it's a ridiculous oxymoronic question:
There's a screenshot; stop trying to deny what's already there. By answering, "At least the bad 'true' DH... yada yada yada," you implied a bad DH was your preference (or you can even say the lesser of the two evils) over a good one.
I'm actually gonna post that exact thread when the DH6 board gets more popular. You'd be surprised how many idiots there are...
Hilarious to see Henry still trying to be taken seriously here, especially with that face.
Having a discussion with Henry is like playing scrabble with someone who thinks the way to win is to eat the most pieces. He has understood nothing from my post to him, and I think it's cruel to keep feeding his chronic stupidity and desperate need to troll so... If anyone reading this feels I haven't adequately addressed any of his points, please point out what you would like to have clarified and I'll be happy to answer (needless to say this offer doesn't extend to any of Henry's sock accounts, like Turdin, or other known trolls).
How's that hilariously bulbous nose working out for you, Henry?
Funny watching you pretend to be unaffected after your behaviour last year - frantically pulling down private information about yourself from the internet, blocking Twitter etc. once your identity got leaked, writing those 'please leave me alone' messages to dteam, which he rightly made public after your incessant trolling. Sadly for you, actions speak louder than words, but keep on pretending you're indifferent to people knowing what you look like and where to find you - you might convince someone.
Again, your feigned indifference here contrasts beautifully with your 'please leave me alone' private messages to dteam, as well as your frantic attempts to pull down all personal information on the internet. Your paranoid suggestion that I PM'd Nigel also shows how frightened you are. Keep trying to deny it though - it's fun to watch!
Love how Bulba-nose came here thinking he was some kind of notorious badass trouble-maker, then immediately got ripped to pieces, then keeps trying to save face as if anyone believes he's feeling anything other than utterly butthurt and humilated.
Let's see what he writes next, it's fun watching him squirm.
Oh yeah it's fantastic that they kicked that cancerous cünt out. They may well replace him with an equal cretin, but unlikely to be AS bad as Rothman. It's almost as if a rival studio sent Rothman in as a mole to burn down Fox... (Still, he kept undiscerning viewers like Henry and Turdin happy at least).
This is to cover up the fact that the haters of 4 are the reason we got the disaster that is part 5. They know it, but now must find a new tact as they got everything they wanted and it made for a terrible film. All the problems with 5, the very reason that beyond its glaring mistakes it isn't even base level entertaining, can be traced back to the incessant bitching brought on by the Die Tards. You want to know why Die Hard 5 wasn't enjoyable to watch? Because the Die Tards bitched about the humor in 4. Want to know why the action sequences in 5 were small and uninspired? Because the Die Tards bitched about over the top action. You want to know why the villain in Die Hard 5 was silly? Because the Die Tards bitched about the villain in 4 being too bland. You want to know why we can't attract a decent director back to the Die Hard franchise? Because no one wants to make a movie under the unreasonable Die Tard expectations. So, again, thanks guys.
No, Turdin, no. You DHINO-lovers love to misrepresent what Die Hard fans say - it's your only way to try and save face. It was made clear that the three demands were a good director, good writer and R rating. The studio failed on all but the latter, and that's directly because you and your DHINO-loving gang made it loud and clear that you loved that infantile shít-stain. You are wholly responsible for DHINO 2 because you made DHINO a success. Well done on ruining the Die Hard series.
It seems not - they're now talking about the inevitable prequel, to be directed by franchise retard Len Wiseman. Could this be the series' biggest bomb? Let's hope so...