Yeah, me too. Unless I know I'm going to be outside for more than 5-10 minutes, I'll just put on a track jacket even when it's freezing outside. So for example, if I'm leaving home, going to my car, then going to a store and it's 20 degrees, I'll just wear a track jacket, because my house is warm enough for me to just wear a t-shirt (I keep the heat so it's right around 68-70, which is perfect for me), I'll have the heater on to be warm enough in the car, and the store is typically going to be uncomfortably warm in my opinion--I like cool-to-cold weather. I don't like to be too warm and especially not hot. I'd rather be a bit cold going from the house to the car and the car to the store rather than friggin sweating in the store when it's 20 degrees outside, and I don't want to have to carry my jacket while I'm in the store or anything like that.