What you guys don't seem to be getting
I've been seeing a lot of people question the same stuff and argue about the same stuff, and it's quite dumb. I'm gonna tell you guys how I see it , and you all need to listen to me cause I'm the President of the United States.
Don't question it.
Here goes:
This movie is dumb as hell. It makes no sense, but somehow it does, and it's just a mess overall. So many things could have gone wrong for this serial killer in the training guy. He doesn't have any weapons, and has to rely on the hope that some random people will come by in the middle of the night to this one dark, deserted ATM and leave their car unattended and parked quiiiite far away from the entrance.. Which brings me to..
I have these family members who always park in the most random places in the parking lot. It's the spot that is compact and we're in a van, and there IS a bigger space closer, yet, "oh, we should get the exercise".. No Grandma! We should NOT get the exercise!!! I will play her this movie and hopefully she will view the merits of parking extremely close to the front of places. However, I understand why it happened in the movie. It was obviously stated (and come on guys, watch the dang movie again or something) that the main character, Mr. Joe Whats His Name, was punishing douchier Mr. Joe Whats His Name for insisting on things go his way, and getting in the way of his newly found love interest Ms Whats Her Name. Douchier Mr. Joe explains it with his comment as he's getting out of the car.
Mr. Joe #1 went inside because douchier Mr. Joe (#2) was having troubles with the magnetized strip on his card and couldn't get money out of his own account for a $4 slice of pizza -___- Ms. Joe left because she was feeling unsafe, although her unsafety (its a word!) was multiplied by her plot hole numero dos decision to leave her phone, purse, wallet, etc. in the unlocked car. We see just how spoiled we are that we can't use keys anymore. Keys are not in our realm of existence.
I dunno, I haven't gone to sleep yet, and it's like 8 in the morning.. where was I?.. I'm skipping to the trip wire!!!!!!
That. Was. Dumb. How in the frick frackin world did he string up a wire through the WHOOOLE parking lot without being seen and still have time to stand there menacingly?? AND if it was there before they drove in, they would have driven their car into it! Or the guy with the dog would have seen/felt it! Or the security guard! Or the janitor!!!! >___< OR THE FREAKING POLICE when they drove through the WHOLE PARKING LOT..
Sorry.. I, uh, got a little flustered there. Some people are also saying that there was no where to put up the wire. Are you kidding me? Do light poles and fences and trees not exist in this parking lot?? Is it just a nice little paved out area that people never park in???
The security guard was not very good at his job. If he was an actor, no one would be able to hear his great delivery.. Oh.. Wait.. They could have ran to him! He also parked completely too far from the place. His death was his fault.. Just sayin.. And I felt bad for the janitor. I mean, yeah, he died. But he was also a mute janitor with three (?) kids and a wife.. Coulda had his own lifetime movie. I mean, he was completely powerless to say anything to stop his attackers, AND on top of that, he doesn't even have a cell phone. Tsk tsk tsk. His life surely was a sad one..
They were dumb as the dog when you're telling it to fetch when they didn't leave when he was pummeling that first guy to death. He was totally preoccupied, and they had a clear shot to the undamaged car at that point. It hadn't been cut yet, because they showed us when he cut it later on. (Don't doubt me! I'm the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES)
I hate the cold.
Oh! The Phones! Drake and Josh used Mr. Joe #1's phone in the car and than dropped it into the front seat cause of something that I'm too tired to remember. I'm gathering it died. Ms. Joe left her phone in her purse in the unlocked 100 million bazillion feet away car. And than later we figure out she's an alien and it's just a decoy phone with no contacts and apparently no service.
I think this is my last one cause my buns are hurting from sitting on this futon watching movies and looking at people being passive aggressive on message boards.
There is no way Mr. Joe #1 is going to jail for quite a number of reasons. Even though everyone else is dead and he was shown to be an aggressor on the tape, it was obvious that he didn't do anything.. besides murder the mute janitor. There are some things that people on the boards think will immediately free him. However, the tape is shown being cut off cause he was destroying the ATM machine. And most of what the cops saw was him being aggressive to the others, and with no one there to back him up he'll have a hard time of convincing them of a few things. People say that the tape saw the car go through the door, and her hit her head and all that jazz, but it didn't. It cut off a bit before that, leaving it his word against a pile of dead bodies and him, the one guy untouched and visibly, if mistakenly, aggressive.
Alright, I'm done, lay it on me aggressive board members! If you can handle tearing apart the fragile psyche of a 17 year old girl expressing her opinions on what she thought was a safe and nice place for people to talk about movies! :P Antyways, tell me if you think I'm wrong, or your opinions. Whatchevers!