Poor Old Dad (spoilers)
I just finished watching this on Prime. While the movie is so shallow you couldn't drown a gnat in it, it was kind of fun to watch. The one thing that really got me, however, was how cavalier they are were about dear old Dad. He supported them in style for years with his ill-gotten gains and then was carted off for what would be a life sentence in a Florida prison. No one writes him, calls him, or goes for a visit. In the charming little messages at the end of the movie, I thought maybe the mom and Margaret where going to move to Florida, but they settle out West. It would have been a kindness to kill him off, as Jane Austen did with Mr. Dashwood.
I know...it's just a movie. But ???? The way they solved everyone else's problems (and laid the punishment on that old reprobate, Fran) I thought they could at least have had Dad teaching classes in money management to other prisoner, or something like that.
Have to admit...that picture of John and his heiress at the very end was pretty funny.