MovieChat Forums > The Drop (2014) Discussion > I Hate to Do This, but I Gotta

I Hate to Do This, but I Gotta

If your young - don't party too much & burn out too many brain cells - eventually your synapses wont fire like they used to.

O.K. - I need some help here & I hope somebody will have the time & grace to answer this for me. 1st thing, I really liked this movie a lot & all the main actors J.G. (RIP).

COULD BE SPOILERS HERE - I DON'T REALLY KNOW. I think the main thrust and story was summed up at the end when the cop says to Bob (Tom Hardy - he may end up a great one) "Nobody ever sees you coming, do they Bob"?

OK - Now I gotta have help, a lot. As to what was planned, what was happenstance, & who was hooked up with who for what motives. So we got Marv who had a crew for a while 8-10 years before & he had his bar - Bob was part of the crew when he was very young as long as it lasted & they are really blood (cousins).

So we find out later that sweet Marv gave Bob the job to kill the guy those years b4, not very nice of Marv. After this the crew is done & Bob is really done with it forever & just tended bar. The Chechnya's now own the bar & run the show. Which really annoys Marv.

So Marv has 2 young druggies (who I think are brothers) rob the bar at closing of some money, but not the envelope they were responsible for that night. So the Chech's want the money that was stolen & they show Bob & Marv some guy in a van with a big spike driven through his ankle. Who is this guy - if it was a robber they would haven give Marv up unless it was a brother that Marv dealt with and told him not to tell his brother how Marv was involved.

So the arm of one of the robbers shows up in back of the bar with the watch on it saying 6:15 still & the money is in the bag with the arm. Bob telling the cops about the watch & 6:15 which doesn't seem Bob-like. And the Chech's know about the watch quick....implying they got people on the inside of the cops.

So Marv pulls off the both hands on the trunk murder of the 2nd robber I guess. Did Marv think that having the bar robbed would make the head Check guy want to make Marv's the drop for the Super Bowl day. And then Marv plans on killing Deeds & then off to a wonderful life somewhere. What are his plans for Dottie - just have her never hear from him again.

So basically I'm confused about the guy with the spike in his ankle - the 2 brothers (I think) who do the original robbery, what were Marvs plan for them. Kill them both & keep the proceeds. It seems he wants BIG money, so he is almost sure having the little robbery make the Chech guy make Marvs bar the drop bar for the super bowl which I think they mentioned it would be around a million.

OK - I'M READY FOR SOMEBODY WHO KNOWS THESE THINGS TO TELL ME - THAT IS MY WISH AND HOPE!!!! I think somebody can clarify most of this - & if I still need just a tad more, I'll ask because I enjoyed this this movie to the point where even though I got confused at times - it didn't matter.

3 more movies come to mind where this also happened, but I was much more confused in those.

(1) Mulholland Drive
(2) Birdman
(3) Here we go again, I forgot the 3rd after a few seconds
(4) Hey, it came back (that is rare) - It was Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Tom Hardy was also in that & his character seemed to be the only one that had any zip or pizzazz to it - but maybe that was intentional.



My perspective was that the guy in the van was just another guy who worked for them (the mob bosses/bar owners), but I don't think he was involved with Marv or Bob. They just used him as an example to scare them. They were on to Marv from the beginning, so he was basically a dead man walking from the moment those two robbers held up the bar.

As for the two robbers; I think they were just friends, but they could've been related, who knows? It's likely that Marv intended to kill them so they wouldn't snitch or be connected back to him (same with Eric Deeds). I also think that Marv knew that Eric would possibly kill Bob and didn't really care.

This is just my personal view on it, but it's kind of open to drawing your own conclusions on certain things. Hope this helped a little though.


Thanks for the reply - I appreciate it. And it did help some.!!!

If the guy in the van just worked for the Chech mob & one day they just drive a spike through his ankle to scare Marv & Bob - if I worked for the Mob - I'd try something to go somewhere far away & start a new life. Maybe he was just some guy that robbed the wrong place some night, dunno?

Although the head mob guy seemed totally ruthless - he did sorta have a sense of humor & he just let Bob live his life cause he knew Bob wasn't planning with Marv & would do a good job at the bar. So do u think Marv had those guys rob the place because he knew then that the Chech guy would make his Bar the Drop bar on Super Bowl night?

And of course when Bob came to see Marv he told're not planning something desperate......again? Yea, Bob knew something was going down that night....the hidden gun by the 10 grand.

It seemed like Marv was looking for a BIG SCORE. I agree that Marv wouldn't care if Deeds killed Bob (maybe he even wanted him to, one less person with some info) & Marv was gonna kill Deeds. And as again u said he wouldn't mind if Deeds killed Bob....he was worried that Bob might kill Deeds too....he warned him on the phone call....I know Bob doesn't seem like much, but he is more dangerous than u think.

Of course Marv was probably the only witness of seeing Bob kill the Glory Days guy so nobody would know he actually got the money to pay Marv & did. And when Bob was wrapping the arm, Marv was sorta joking with him about how he looked like such a pro at it.



Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is great. I am well informed on that film. Ask me what you'd like.


Agreed. (Late to the party.) Being as this is a film site I still have to say that any LeCarre book is better than any film adaptation of a LeCarre book - maybe "The Spy Who Came in From the Cold" is in some ways an exception.


The guy in the van was the brother of the guy Marv back over and then ran over. He didnt know about Marv's involvement because his bro. didn't mention Marv by name, he just said "my guy".

I presumed that the Chech mobsters knew about the watch of the robber from the police report. But it could have because of an inside man--it's up for interpretation I suppose. Anyway, by way of informants the mobsters find out who the broken watch robber is, snatch him, throw him a van, drive a spike through his ankle and ask Bob and Marv if they know him; and why would they, the robbers were wearing masks. Even though Marv set it up, he may not have known that brother. And maybe he did, but played it off. Either way, Bob knew nothing.

The robbers putting the arm in the bag were they way saying we handled the situation, now clean the blood off this money and give it back. Kind of like the Sicilian version of presenting fish as means of saying that someone is dead, i.e. sleeping with the fishes.

Sorry, I'm responding from my iPhone and can't see your post nor do I remember the rest of your questions. But hope this helps so far.


Oh, yes, I believe Marv was definitely kill the two brothers and Deeds. Absolutely. I don't think he had planned for Deeds to kill Bob, but he was definitely going to leave Bob hanging out there on the hook for the money and with the Chech mob. Dottie was going to be left holding the bag too. She already had to un-retire in order to pay for their father's medical bills. Marv was a loser. No doubt he was going to leave a trail of death and destruction behind him. Funny thing, no matter how some perceived Bob as being "slow", he was two steps ahead of everyone, wasnt he? That's why the cop said no one sees you coming, do they Bob? He knew about Marv, he mentions the watch ON PURPOSE, and sees through Deeds, and knows what to tell the mobsters. He is brilliant.


After seeing this movie again - I did realize it was the brother in the van. Yea - & Bob was doing what I think Theodore Roosevelt was something like "talk softly, but carry a big stick".

Actually, after seeing this again - it is my favorite movie I have seen this year. RIP - James Gandolfini. After I saw it again I saw that the day Bob got to church early & the priest let him in, after sitting down, Bob is just looking around & he sees a statue of a person and a dog & there is a name below it.

It is Saint Rocco - and the Saint is the dog & not the person - & that is obviously where Bob came up with his dogs name.


you tube carries some good reviews on many films
