Ending I would have preferred
I watched this on Hulu so I don't know if there is a DVD with alternate endings, but this movie would have been good for that. I would have preferred at the end that after the girl asks the engineer where Caleb was, that now with the electricity running she would turn on her home's radio to try to get a signal. After several hours of changing dials and waiting, something finally gets broadcast about that other town, Anson. The girl decides to leave on her own to find Anson, since spending eternity with the guy that (probably) killed her brother and (probably) Caleb sounds like hell for her. I wouldn't have made it Anson, TX though, that would probably be too far (maybe Anson, NC?)
So flash forward a week or two later and the girl is laying almost dead on the side of the highway, when her dog comes running to her with a group of people. One of them turns out to be Caleb, who did actually leave in exchange for the engineer to not kill him (or he believed the engineer when he said the girl just used him). Another one of them is her brother. So she dies knowing she left the engineer whom she could have loved (even if he did act jealously), but can also die knowing that the other man she cared and her brother lived. And have another dog in the picture so that her dog doesn't have to spend his remaining years as the only dog left on earth.
The way it ended, there is no way the two of them could be happy because the girl could have never trusted the engineer, it seems she went back to the church (where there was no electricity) to turn inward and refuse him.