I held grave fears for the S.Mouse character when he was first revealed in episode two, and after watching his debut I was disappointed with Lilley's attempt to bring a hip-hop character to life.
It was probably the only episode I havent laughed out loud with at least a few times.
*however*, I've stuck with the show throughout the 7-8 episodes so far, and I've been pleasantly suprised how the character has won me over.
Basically, S.Mouse is a d*ckhead, a talentless sissyboy who has little business being in the hip-hop world (he has plenty of 'friends' in that regard though, a huge percentage of hip-hop these days is commercialised, commodified rubbish !).
He has a ridiculously over-inflated opinion of his non-existent talents, little-to-no insight into his predicament (declining sales/fanbase and an inability to produce anything of quality independent of his record label)and his attempts at being 'street' are embarrassing at best.
Lilley isn't particularly harsh on his creation though, focussing on S.Mouse as a silly boy without making him totally unsympathetic.
S.Mouse clearly seeks the approval of his Dad, who is pretty harsh (usually rightly so) with his son.
The raps themselves have gotten funnier and funnier too imo - 'Slap yer Elbow' is great, but 'Animal Zoo' and 'Poo on you' were ridiculous without being particularly amusing.
Since then though, S.Mouse's independently produced tracks have gotten more and more (unintenionally) hilarious : Big Black Balls was great (and actually had a bit of flow !), and 'My Intellectality' is probably my favourite, with the lyrics hitting new depths ("one, divided by two, equals, three, divided by four, equals, five, divided by six, equals - my intellectality") - his 'educational' rap about the dangers of pedophiles, delivered to a bunch of primary schoolers, was well-meaning but disasterously executed.
Anyway, I'm glad I stuck with S.Mouse, because I am getting a lotta laughs from his silly shennanigans each week - LaSqueesha and Danthony are great too ..
Phone's ringin' Dude ...