Do you know Kylie?

in the second episode the boys in the correction center keep saying that as a way to pin point a coward or an easy target, i dont exactly get the joke tho? are they talking about a famous person named kylie? or is just an Aussie thing that my dumb american ass would understand?


I think it's just a made up thing for the show.



haha ok just checking, thought they might have been talking about Kylie minogue or something lol.


I think a lot of this kind of stuff goes on in prison, maybe not "do you know kylie" directly but I'm sure something very similar.


I think it is a reference to Kylie Minogue and hence, yes, an Aussie thing of some kind. I remember the line "Do you know Kylie Minogue?" being used in an Australian comedy show "Fast Forward" circa 1990.


Nope. Just coz it's an Aussie show doesn't mean it's about her.

When you say you know 'Kylie' when she's a made up person, just to fit in, it makes you look like an idiot. That's what Gran's character meant by sign of weakness.

Biased, but honest.


I think it is a reference to Kylie in when you do eventually say "Yes" it means you're admitting you're gay.



"I think it is a reference to Kylie in when you do eventually say "Yes" it means you're admitting you're gay."

Dude, nobody in Australia uses Kylie Minogue as a reference. It could be 'Do you know Mary?' 'Do you know Jeeves?'. Also NOBODY quotes 'Fast Forward' anymore, especially kids in juvie. It's actually kind of embarassing hearing all these yank interpretations of something very simple.

Biased, but honest.


Kylie Minogue is an Aussie singer who is a gay icon. and the reference is similar to the American saying, 'Are you a friend of Dorothy? Meaning are you gay?



What is the explanation?


It's reference Kylie Minogue. All celebrity spots are taken up in Australia, so nobody can really claim to know Kylie, even though she is happy to be known as Kylie. I heard it first in 1990.


Only Madonna clones would visit this forum so who are they to speak of Kylie anyway? ...but while we are here, maybe Bon Scott was a good match for Kylie meaning anyone who knew Kylie is a suspect in his death? That takes it back to the coward thing because the story is that Bon died accidentally.
