Grows on you

This show is hilarious. Every single character is gold.

At first I was like blah wtf, same guy playing different roles, probably lame. I had no idea who Chris Lilley was.

After 2 episodes I'm loving this show. God I hope it gets another season and doesn't get canned.

Has he done anything else worth checking out?


There won't be another season. He just does one season of each show.

Check out Summer Heights High or We Can Be Heroes


yeah, he just does one season each. kinda wish he would do another season of SHH tho. loved that show!


As a Chris Lilley fan, I'm quite disappointed by this show, especially since I am judging it against his past shows. I would seek out his previous shows, especially Summer Heights High which is the show that projected him onto a worldwide platform; it's unbelievably hilarious.


yes it is, I already finished Australian of the year and I'm halfway through SHH, it really is a great show.

Angry boys is more aimless than the others, less of a storyline but I still really like it.


I think this show is far superior to Summer Heights High, which was often a little one-note imo (dont get me wrong though, I did love SHH) ..
Angry Boys builds and builds and takes you to very unexpected places - and then when you arrive at these 'unexpected places', something even more unexpected usually happens !

It is far bigger in scope and ambition than SHH; some of the issues and themes Lilley examines are only just starting to emerge 7 episodes in.

Phone's ringin' Dude ...


I never really got into SHH when it was on TV but I loved Angry Boys from the 1st episode.

I've started watching SHH again and I must admit I do appreciate it a lot more now I've seen Angry Boys but I still thing Angry Boys is better.

Just my opinion though.
