
What did everyone think? I loved it, felt perfect. Angry Boys has definitely topped SHH for me.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride


I really liked the ending. Alot of people on the facebook page are saying it was a terrible ending, but I dont know what they would of liked or expected to happen?
The ending made me feel really happy and content with how we left everyone. Loved it :)

"Fraggle Stick Car"


It seemed a little unrealistic, but it was a good ending.


One of the best endings ever. Tied up everything and did it beautifully.

I've ordered it on DVD already :D

Biased, but honest.


I thought it was a great ending, especially considering how depressing the rest of the series was. I teared up a bit.

It would've been a lot better if some douche on youtube hadn't spoiled the ending for me 10 minutes before I found the episode online (I'm in the US). Who the *beep* posts the ending to the series like that?! What a dickhead.

Shaka Da Gnu


So what happened? My first thought was that the producers of the documentary organized for the "legends" to be at the party so they'd have a good ending.

I then thought that maybe Gran did send the invitations and by some miracle everyone showed up.

We know that at least one invitation was sent becuase the swimsuit model declined.


My thoughts are two things:

He imagined it?


The invitations were actually sent and Gran forgot she really DID send them. Blake and Tim went because they're just good guys, Shwayne went out of a sense of owing the boys it due to them making him a star again after his S.Mouse! travesty.


"The invitations were actually sent and Gran forgot she really DID send them. Blake and Tim went because they're just good guys, Shwayne went out of a sense of owing the boys it due to them making him a star again after his S.Mouse! travesty."

^That was my interpretation too. It's a bit of a stretch to say he imagined it, as there were photos of the party during the credits.

I already said but God I LOVED the ending. Chris Lilley is a king.

Biased, but honest.


Who the *beep* posts the ending to the series like that?! What a dickhead.
Nine times out of ten, it's an American!

To hate another simply for proving you to be in the wrong is the lowest form of cowardice...


I agree with weresmurf on the gran thing - I think she thought she sent them, them forgot she did, thought she hadn't, but really had...Alzheimers can play around with "thought vs action vs memory" from what I've observed, I thought the last few episodes that focused on this were both heartfelt and showed at least a little research or experience with it in Lilleys part.

The ending?
Well, the party was the event that has pretty much been worked up to from early in the show, things/characters came together, and I found it satisfying.
I'd have liked to have seen a brief appearance via webcam of the prison boys who were completely left out of the last episode, but other than that no issue.
I don't believe there will ever be a second series, though I'd watch if there was.


It was okay, when Daniel told Nathan to get the fire lighters from Steve's car I thought he was either going to either die in an explosion or drive to his dad's grave... so it was unexpected to see a happy ending...

Intuition...takes me anywhere.


I thought the ending was really fitting. It made the whole series worthwhile, anyway. I've watched almost all of Chris Lilley's shows, and in terms of comedic value I found it to be weaker than his others, but the comedy element was still present. I guess it depends what you find funny, really.

Another thing I liked was Jen Okazaki's fall from grace, her return to America, and being reduced to living in the suburbs, whilst her assistant became Tim's manager, and Tim became more successful than before. Her own selfishness conspired against her.

Overall, I'd give it a 6/10 for comedy, 8/10 for story, and 10/10 for the ending.

They call me the wanderer.


I thought the ending was aboslutely perfect. I don't think it could have ended any other way. I thought, however, that the way Nathan acted when he went to get the firelighters, that he regained his hearing (he kinda touched his ear in a way that looked like he had regained his hearing). I must admit I cried too!



I wish they'd left Gran as a perfect vacuum character to be honest. Giving her a problem with Alzheimer's felt like a cheap cop out, especially because it happens so late in the series and there's no foreshadowing to the event.




There actually is a bit of foreshadowing - i reccomend giving the show a re-watch with that in mind.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride


I'm considering doing that soon, but I like the idea that she cared too much for these kids rather than just being forgetful. Having a character flaw being your greatest strength is something I don't see done well very often, and I think it was executed perfectly here.I...drink...your...MILKSHAKE!I DRINK IT UP!!!
