Do you really think Nathan would be a huge fan of a gay skateboarder?
Well? Do you?
shareI wondered that. Proabably not.
shareYes, because he was. What kind of question is that?
Biased, but honest.
Does the gay thing really matter? Nathan liked Tim because he was a good skater and nathan liked skating himself.
I needed a new signature, but i couldnt think of what to write. So i guess this is it for now?
I get the impression Daniel seems the more latent homosexual of the twins. He's the one constantly hung up on sexuality and calling everyone else a "gaylord"/"queer" and mostly a "fag", even poor *beep* the dog gets it, hell even is little sister gets called a "lezzo" in one hilarious scene. Don't forget he also was made to spend a day with the local teenage homosexual by his mum (for using the word "fag" too much) and though he wasn't keen at first he ended up having a great day with him and even asked the guy if he found him attractive, looking dissappointed when he said no, especially due to the fact that earlier in the day the guy had commented that nathan was "cute".
Everyone is gay but me! think the lad doth protest too much.
What if everyone started telling the truth?
maybe he's not aware of the gay thing, just that he's a good skateboarder?