I've seen scary movies. This wasn't scary.
But then it takes a lot to scare me.
I guess I just never got the sense that Harry was ever in any real danger from the WiB. The only real danger was the danger he put himself in.
But then it takes a lot to scare me.
I guess I just never got the sense that Harry was ever in any real danger from the WiB. The only real danger was the danger he put himself in.
Please don't do that...His name is Daniel. I would agree with you though. I found this movie entertaining, and a bit creepy at times but not really scary. Of course Arthur was not really in danger, but the idea was that kids (the innocent) were mysteriously dying which is always a tragedy.
Dan always insisted that it was not a horror film, but a character driven thriller. :)
Duh! I know what his name is. But I don't call actors by their first names, unless I'm working with them professionally and develop a rapport. I don't know him, so I'm not going to call him what his fans do. It's not my way.
And he kinda did that other series where he played a wizard. It's not just something you can easily forget after 10 years.
What a stupid thing to say.
Whenever you talk about actors you don't use their real names???? How can anyone know what you're talking about?
Conan, Rocky, John, Sam... Yeah, the first 2 were still pretty easy. I'm sure from the 3rd one you don't know who I'm referring to. That's moronic.
I said first names, genius. There's a difference.
I said first names, genius. There's a difference.
I'm a Potter fan. Curse me.
shareYeah, that was stupid of that person to make a BIG DEAL out of you using Harry's name. GEEZ... I do that ALL the time for expediency and bloody EVERYONE knows who you are talking about....
I have over 4000 films, many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK!
I don't call actors by their first names, because I don't see the point in first naming someone that I don't know.
shareI didn't find it scary too, but i loved the atmosphere and the feeling of the Victorian era. i love anything connected to these old times.
The Billion Dollar Girl
Maybe I was watching a different film because for me it delivered just the right amount of scares. I don't know, maybe I'm easily scared, or maybe just not afriad to admit it! Personally there is no way on earth I could watch this in the dead of night on my own in an empty house (not that I'd get the chance!).
The only thing that was slightly annoying about this film was all the opportunities he passed up to get the hell out of that place! Watching the DVD recently with my wife, I lost count of the amount of times I said "And this is the point I would have turned around and run for the hills."
Where was he supposed to go with the tide in?
"House. My room. Can't walk. My medal. My father. Father, don't!"
I think I'd have tried swimming! ;-)
OK, the first time he was at the house, I could forgive him, because he didn't know any better, but there were some pretty spooky goings-on when he was there, what with the noises upstairs, the Woman in Black staring up at him from outside the house, and then the ghostly screams. Then all the strange things at the village, Mrs Daly scratching a hanged figure into the table, the little girl saying "you killed Victoria Hardy", Mrs Fisher advising him to leave, and then finally the confrontation with the villagers. At that point, I'd have been pretty convinced something was seriously wrong and legged it out of there, not headed straight back to Eeel Marsh House!
Don't get me wrong though, I'm a big fan of the Woman in Black. I watched the original when it came out, I saw the play when it first came out, and again earlier this year, and I think they did a fantastic job with this film. And let's face it, most scary films are chock full of people making stupid decisions! I suppose it's part of what makes them fun. And I certainly don't agree with some people's criticisms about it so-called horror cliches. Of course there are going to be instances that are designed to make you jump, that's what a good old fashoined ghost story is meant to do, in my humble opinion.
Yes, but it was so many years ago I can't remember how the book differed from the TV adaption or the film.
shareOk, but why not use the name of the character this actor played IN THE MOVIE WE'RE ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT? I love how you ironically called some other poster "genius." That was a bright moment in my day.
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"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley
GEEZ Lord BoZo Micro-DickHammer, give it a ph*k'n rest!
I have over 4000 films, many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK!
Lol, clearly you haven't seen any of my somewhat feminist rants, or you wouldn't have tried to insult me by commenting on the size of my manhood!
__ __ __
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley
Heh, I'm glad you have a good sense of humour. Actually, I felt kinda bad going off like that; I normally never do, but I just got kind of cheeeeezed I guess because bloody EVERYONE was pissing all over this poor guy JUST because he used a commonly know character name to refer to the actor in this film.
I SHOULD have known that only a woman would have made an issue of a fine point like that...
Cheers M'Lady!
I have over 4000 films, many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK!
lol I think the only reason that poster annoyed me is that he was being so self-righteous. In all reality what matters is that we can understand each other, and so a forgotten character name really shouldn't matter.
__ __ __
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley
I'm agreeing with a woman!
I have over 4000 films, many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK!
It's not too difficult to say a film isn't scary ,when your sat in the comfort of your own home, watching on your small T.V .Put the lights out crank up the volume of your cinema surround system, you should really have a good sub woofer amp as well. Better still if you can go portable and watch in abandoned house or unfamiliar location. When you're watching just think if this were happening to you. Still not scared ,your not wired wright
You make an excellent point about the surround and such, but it is not necessarily true that EVERYONE would find this film scary.
Horror, like Humour is HIGHLY subjective and people are scared by totally different things sometimes. I too was scared sh*tless many times by this film, just because all the jump scares were really well done. BUT... there are MANY people who would find this old fashioned, old school British Ghost Story Horror film really tame and boring, especially if they are used to and prefer the more 'modern' Horror films.
Not to correct you or anything; I hope you don't mind my sharing this point of view that others may just find different things scary for them...
I have over 4000 films, many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK!
These kids think gore makes things scary? I'm really puzzled how come some don't think this is scary but some stupid gore fest is. I'd like some examples from these "gore kids" what films do they consider scary. I think they just don't have anything to give. Just trolling here for fun.
shareThis! That's what I always do. Alone in the dark and 5.1 system cranked to the max with a huge tv. This movie was scary as hell. I think it goes to my top 10 of horror movies and I've seen a lot of them.
OP is a douche bag little troll kid. He's seen some "real" scary movies. So what are they? OP, Please let us know so that we can comment on your "real" scary movie taste. What a wanker he is...
Horror is just SO bloody subjective; things that really scare the sh*t outta us just might not effect someone else. Almost EXACTLY the same thing with humour. Some people find certain things absolutely hilarious and others think the same thing is totally stupid.
For example, for me personally one of my very favourite scary films is 'SESSION 9'; in noting others comments about it, some people find it very boring, stupid, and ineffective. But to me, it is extremely powerful. Some people find the subtle, ponderous, and extremely atmospheric Psychological elements like the ones found in this film very effective as I do. But to many others, it does absolutely nothing for them.
I have over 4000 films, many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK!
Yes, this one here was a good old fashioned and well put together Ghost Story, but with some nice modern touches. Heh, that reminds me that just the other night I watched the new U.S. Blu-ray release of John Carpenter's 'THE FOG'. Even at the time it was made (1980) it was a throwback to an old fashioned Ghost Story; and for what it is, I really like that film too (The U.S. Blu-ray is frigg'n BEAUTIFUL too, BTW; WAAAAAAAY better than the earlier UK Blu-ray!)
It's funny what trigger's different people's 'Creep' factor; again, it is EXTREMELY subjective. Perhaps it's the way we are wired, maybe it's what we have experienced; most likely a combination of the two. Someone who REALLY at times can get well into my subconscious is David Lynch. Many times with his films I cannot even specify exactly WHY it is stirring the deeper 'Creepies' in my subconscious, but I darn well know he is effectively doing it as far as I'm concerned.
One film that came out recently where people have COMPLETELY polar opposite reactions to is 'STOKER'. That one is EXTREMELY polarizing; but, I think I can see why. Now, that film although very well done in many ways, especially visually, pretty much overall left me totally cold. But, MANY others really dug it. Now, THAT particular guy's style just didn't do it for me; I felt that the characterizations were very superficial, shallow, and obvious along with any of the interactions between them, which for me left me totally ambivalent about whatever the hell happened to anyone. BUT... intuitively, I can see how other people really dug the cold, chilly style and felt it was quite effective. Thus, people are very, VERY individual and different in what 'does it' for them. And Horror as a Genre is EXTREMELY wide and varied. You have Torture Porn which I detest and does nothing 'enjoyable' for me, whereas you have others who consider that true Horror. You have old, creaky Horror like the original 'HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL' (I LOVE the 1999 remake by William Mallone, BTW!) with skeletons on strings and such, and some people nostalgically love those types.
I have over 4000 films, many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK!
'Atmosphere over gore for me - every time!'... ABSOLUTELY agree!
I really like most of the films in your list. I just watched 'THE HAUNTING' (1963) the other day and I had forgotten how effective and socially progressive it was. Talk about Atmosphere! I remember 'THE UNINVITED' being very similar too. I LOVE 'THE INNOCENTS' and think it is one of THE best Ghost Stories ever! I need to get off my butt and see 'KAIRO' & 'THE EYE'(I've had them for like several years!) and the original 'SHUTTER' too. I really liked '1408' (one of the better Stephen King adaptations!) and I just now got a copy of the UK LIVIDE Blu-ray in trade which I haven't checked out yet.
I have over 4000 films, many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK!
Apparently so!
Awesome, thanks!!!
BTW, I just read that a new Remastered Blu-ray of 'THE UNINVITED' is coming out here in about a month or so. It is the same master used for the UK DVD release last year which people say looks really great! It's about bloody time this Classic gets a decent release, don't you think!
I have over 4000 films, many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK!
I agree, not bad but not scary. In my opinion, Ju-on 1, the original Shutter or the Exorcist from 1973 were much scariest.
shareOriginal Shutter was scary but this was in the same class. Definitely. Watch this again, but this time no lights and no popcorn. -73 exorcist, oh please. Maybe in -73 it was scary but surely not anymore. I've seen it all right. Not with my current setup but that won't change a thing. Glad that at least someone gave some examples what they thought to be more scarier.
Now, THAT is a refreshingly honest and straight forward way of saying that you didn't care for the film, but WITHOUT being scornful and pissing all over it.
I wish more people would make comments like you do when the movie doesn't do it for them.
Basically, what you are saying is that this just isn't the kind of Horror film that you enjoy, right? Sure... Not bloody EVERYONE is gonna like this rather narrow British Ghost Story Horror Genre. I can appreciate what they tried to do with a VERY simple, old school idea. I DON'T think it is one of the better ones, but for what it was it was done well. It's just gonna leave a LOT of people (like you) pretty cold and not entertained though...
Now, for me personally for example, I have absolutely NO interest in Torture Porn films. DON'T like them; NOT gonna watch them. BUT... I don't come here and then trash films like 'HOSTEL' or 'SAW', etc. because that won't help other people who DO like those kinds of films and want to know if they will like it. I don't bother to review or comment on the types of films that I know I won't like or that I find out are not the types I like. I always try to be objective and if a film is done well but is one I don't like, I try to state it that way, saying that people who DO like films like this will probably enjoy it. But, if you DON'T then avoid it...
Again, I REALLY appreciate the good, straight way you stated your post. Well done mate!
I have over 4000 films, many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK!