Ok-WHAT the heck?..

In the FAQ, someone asked why the ghost wasn't at peace when reunited with her son, and whoever answers those questions said this: "There are several reasons why Jennet did not find peace after being buried with Nathaniel. The first reason is that the reunion had an unsuccessful outcome; Nathaniel does not recognise Jennet as his mother (and even yells at her "you're not my mother!")." Is this person suffering hallucinations, or is that a scene I don't remember??


It was in another version of the film that wasn't released in the US. You can find the clip on Youtube.

"The cold never bothered me anyway."


Oh wow, awful! Thanks so much!


Which leads me to wonder: If Nathaniel had accepted her, would she have found peace then?

House. My room. Cant walk. My medal. My father. Father, dont!


Would you be able to post a link to the youtube video? I've searched, but haven't been able to find it. Thank you!


There we go, and it's not very good quality sound though.


So why was this scene cut off from the movie? I reckon it would make a difference to the viewer as to why this ghost of Jennet is not satisfied.


Thank you guys! Yes, I do believe what she had of a heart would have melted when she found her son again.

But I'm glad they cut the scene. Not only was it tragic, and risked making us feel more sorry for her than we should, I think, but it would rob the movie of suspense after Kipp is certain he defeated her.


True, but not having the scene ends up with the movie not making much sense. Radcliffe figures out a solution and executes it, and then the woman in black keeps on killing because shes a dbag?

Yes its a little more suspenseful, but in the cheesy way that too many low budget horror movies are.


Not really. You sort of disproved your own post by saying "Radcliffe figures out a solution." Just because he thought that should work, doesn't mean it would or that it is the actual solution. Maybe there is none at all and she is just completely malevolent. There was nothing in this movie, like there are in some others, where some expert comes along and explains what they have to do. So it made sense to me.

"The Martian Manhunter is the heart of the Justice League." - The Flash (Barry Allen)


That pivotal line makes all the difference in the plot. Ridiculous to cut it.


I guess the lesson the movie is suggesting is that birth mothers are not necessarily a true mother. A true parent is someone who cares about their child more than they care about themselves. Jennet seemed like she only wanted her child for selfish reasons, thus while she was alive, they took him away from her.


I agree. Just because Arthur thought it would work doesn't mean it actually would. Janet died with nothing but hate in her heart, and the WIB carries over that malevolent spirit. No rhyme or reason...nothing will make her happy, and she will never be satisfied.


they took the boy away from her because the husband got her pregnant. then they accused her of being mentally unstable, so when she tried to tell what happened nobody would believe her. (thats according to the movies, not sure how the books have told it yet)


IMHO: I might be wrong here, but a) the child, although found, did not receive a Christian funeral and, thus, his soul was not put to rest, same as with his mother, who killed herself. That might be one reason. However, contrary to this, she might be at peace and have thanked Arthur by reuniting him with his wife and his son with his mother. She could not make her alive again, but she could kill father and son. Just a thought


contrary to this, she might be at peace and have thanked Arthur by reuniting him with his wife and his son with his mother.
Maybe. But she continued to say "never forgive."
