Daniel Radcliffe has one of those boyish looking faces anyway; add that to the fact he was only 22-23 when the film was made and I can understand your point.
However, I was thinking more along the lines that in the 1890's (which is the date I think I recall seeing onscreen at some point) people married much younger and had children almost immediately after marrying in many cases. I don't know though if a 23 year old would feasibly have completed law school and been married and had a child all at the same time then. While that is common now for people to have a child at a young age and still complete school in a regular timeline I don't know if that would have been the case in that time period.
That being said, I was capable of thinking of the character as being more of the age of at least 26 or older rather than 23 years old which is Daniel Radcliffe's real age. I had to actually go to his IMDB page to find his real age as I initially placed him to be around 26 or 27 while viewing this film. I did watch most of the Harry Potter films but I did not have the issue of locking him into a specific age category because of those films either as another poster mentioned. Maybe I am the exception but I found his portrayal of a young father of a four year old boy in this film to be believable.
I have a nephew who is thirty-four but looks closer to twenty-two so maybe that is why I find it much more believable. Coming from a large family where most of us look considerably younger than our actual ages probably contributes to that thinking as well.