Bringing in the Guard
The Frank they started with would have been lobbying for more help getting the job done, rather than endangering his men by saying bringing in the Guard would make the Department look bad. "We're admitting we can't get the job done." Um...yeah, Frank. They defunded the police, no one wants it as a career, NYC is swamped with homeless nutters and illegals, and they have no-cash bail. "Justice" is a revolving door. You're fighting crime while fighting City Hall and the DA's office, of which your daughter is a part.
If they had the writing they had at the beginning, they could really take on these issues in an explosive way. Instead, they have Frank whining that his Department, that can't do the job, will look bad if he admits they can't do the job. So cops die while he drinks coffee and pretends everything's fine in the burning building.
And they're setting it up for Frank to resign...over this? Way to go out, not with a bang, but with a whimper.